Stomach hurts all the time

Posted by padam398 @padam398, Jun 22, 2024

Hello, I am glad to be here. I have been sick since 2015 when they took my gallbladder out. I have pain, right where my gallbladder was. They have run all kinds of test and can find nothing. They finally referred me to a pain Doctor Who has done all kinds of trigger point shots and now I am just on pain medication. Does anybody have anything like this going on with them and do they have any suggestions?

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It could be it could be a pain that called neural pain and it's a pain that your brain thinks you're having sometimes your brain thinks you're having pain even though that the pain is gone your brain still thinks you're having pain. Might need to go through pain management or you might need to think of retraining your brain I'm your pain management doctor might need to help you figure out.


Have you asked your primary doctor are your ob/ygn about endometriosis I'm thinking you might have endometriosis that can make you have stomach pains and not feel good all the time it can make you feel obnoxious and tired and fatigue look up in your endometriosis you'll need to go to a woman's doctor at opygn and they can test you for that and fill your pelvic and I bet it's in emetriosis. I've heard and best of luck I'm dealing with endometriosis too and my stomach hurts all the time too and it shoots to my back too and it's pain a in a duck. It's no offense a lot of times it gets missed and a lot of people don't get diagnosed right for endometriosis.


My son has the same problem. If he doesn't eat at regular intervals, he gets terrible, terrible stomach pain. Sometimes he even wakes up with it. We're going to a new gi tomorrow.
Hopefully they can help them.

I'll repost After we see them. If they say anything good.

Good luck.
God bless.


I am supposed to get my gallbladder out due to biliary dyskinesia (not working properly). I wonder if your pain is due to an injured nerve near your surgical site. My gallbladder stopped working because the muscle function is impaired and not squeezing properly to eject bile. When they remove the gallbladder, I’m not sure how they handle disconnecting muscles, nerves, blood vessels from the gallbladder. Have you talked with your gastroenterologist or surgeon about this?


I would try and find the single best gallbladder surgeon the country and have him consult on the issue.

One thing that comes to mind, is possible nerve damage during the surgery? But that is just a guess.


I am supposed to get my gallbladder out due to biliary dyskinesia (not working properly). I wonder if your pain is due to an injured nerve near your surgical site. My gallbladder stopped working because the muscle function is impaired and not squeezing properly to eject bile. When they remove the gallbladder, I’m not sure how they handle disconnecting muscles, nerves, blood vessels from the gallbladder. Have you talked with your gastroenterologist or surgeon about this?

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that was my thought as well, possible nerve damage during the surgery.

If that is possibly the case, I would not go back to the original surgeon, but have someone else come in and give a second opinion.


There is also a syndrome called post-cholesystectomy syndrome
There are means to test for this may be available with primary care; they may refer you to gastroenterologist
Mine was removed in my 40s due to biliary dyskenisia (not stones) now that I am in my late 60s I experience intermittent but similar discomfort in upper R quadrant rib cage area. I am working with primary care but since I have other (cardiac) issues to address it it a bit lower on my priority list and it's so intermittent that it doesn't interfere with activities of daily living. I am very careful with my diet


I had my gallbladder out also, but never felt constant pain after healing. If I touch it, it is still painful and sensitive in that area. This is a crazy thought, but could someone left something in there that they shouldn't have? An x-ray may not show that, but maybe another test would. Stranger things have happened. Have you ever been put on antibiotic for a possible infection? Possibly nerve pain post surgery. My husband had a procedure done and the way he was laid on the operating table cause him to have tingling and numbness in his arm.

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