Gratitude: Today, I'm grateful for...

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jul 2, 2023

Studies have found that expressing daily gratitude improves both physical and emotional well-being. It helps us focus on what is good in our lives, the world and others. It also helps us find the silver lining in our challenges. Gratitude turns what we already have into enough. Gratitude brings us joy. I’d love it if you can share something you’re grateful for today. I’ll start.

I’m grateful I have both the ability and luxury of taking long daily gratitude walks through the beautiful nature that surrounds my home.

I’ll take you through my typical walk:

When I open my front door to leave, I’m usually greeted by a few adorable squirrels, three crow friends, juncos and wrens who all hope for a walnut treat before I go. My walk along the creek down the street brings me peace with a variety of 100-foot trees, flowers of every shape and color, grass, fascinating wildlife, sounds of a babbling brook, birds calling, squirrels chasing, etc. Each day, I also see bunnies, ducks with ducklings, egrets, lizards, turtles, a variety of small birds, butterflies, and sometimes coyotes and hawks.

I meet new people along the way as we share our love of nature. I am also greeted by their happy, adorable dogs. Sometimes I learn something new. Sometimes I feel like I was able to bring joy to someone by letting them know they are worth a few minutes of my time. That brings me joy. Half the people in my large retirement community live alone as I do. Today, I met a lovely 96-year-old woman who walks a half mile with her cane and sweet rescue poodle every day. Impressive! She didn’t look a day over 80. I never miss an opportunity to smile and say hello to everyone who passes by. When I arrive home after an hour or so, some of my wildlife buddies are usually there to welcome me back with the enthusiasm of a dog.

When my last dog went to Heaven a few months ago, my camera became my new walking companion. Once I’m home, it’s time to upload my latest nature photos. I relive my walk all over again through the eyes of a zoom lens and a 32” monitor that together reveal extraordinary colors, patterns, textures and wildlife expressions the naked eye can’t see. I’m sharing a few pix from today. Can’t wait to go again tomorrow! 🙂

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Today I am grateful that our unseasonable "monsoons" held off long enough to enjoy the Back to the 50's car show with our family. About the time the 5 year old got tired of walking, and the 8 year old declared "my brain is full of old cars and I don't have any more questions" raindrops began to plop down , so we came home and had ice cream cones - after mini donuts, chocolate chip cookies, pizza slices and garlic fries.
I'm also grateful that Mom and Dad get to deal with any bellyaches from the great diet!

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"...we came home and had ice cream cones - after mini donuts, chocolate chip cookies, pizza slices and garlic fries."

Ye gods, I'd be grateful to the paramedics I'd need after that combination!


"...we came home and had ice cream cones - after mini donuts, chocolate chip cookies, pizza slices and garlic fries."

Ye gods, I'd be grateful to the paramedics I'd need after that combination!

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Not me - the littles! I had a cider and a few fries.


I am grateful for my morning cup of coffee. Every morning I walk to my local coffee roasters. I am greeted by the staff with a smile and the most wonderful cup of single origin coffee. I walk home with it, sit on my deck, sip it slowly as I plan my day.

This simple ritual of self indulgence allows me to then go out and extend small acts of kindness throughout my day. It bring me joy,


I am grateful for my morning cup of coffee. Every morning I walk to my local coffee roasters. I am greeted by the staff with a smile and the most wonderful cup of single origin coffee. I walk home with it, sit on my deck, sip it slowly as I plan my day.

This simple ritual of self indulgence allows me to then go out and extend small acts of kindness throughout my day. It bring me joy,

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It's amazing how much joy we can derive from simple things, isn't it?

My wife and I can experience a very pleasant evening out of a bottle of wine, some good bread & butter, and each other's company.

There was a time when that was about all we could afford (and the wine better be pretty cheap!). We've never lost our appreciation for such simplicity.


It's amazing how much joy we can derive from simple things, isn't it?

My wife and I can experience a very pleasant evening out of a bottle of wine, some good bread & butter, and each other's company.

There was a time when that was about all we could afford (and the wine better be pretty cheap!). We've never lost our appreciation for such simplicity.

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We prefer a nice dinner at home to something fancy as well. And if friends are available to join us, even better.
We also enjoy simple summer entertainment on our patio - we have everything set up to make serving and cleanup easy, with reusable dishes, a "handout" spot for putting the beverages in the outdoor cooler, 2 grills, lots of shady places to sit, a pond with a bubbling fountain, and water toys for the kids.


It's amazing how much joy we can derive from simple things, isn't it?

My wife and I can experience a very pleasant evening out of a bottle of wine, some good bread & butter, and each other's company.

There was a time when that was about all we could afford (and the wine better be pretty cheap!). We've never lost our appreciation for such simplicity.

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That sounds like a wonderful evening!


We prefer a nice dinner at home to something fancy as well. And if friends are available to join us, even better.
We also enjoy simple summer entertainment on our patio - we have everything set up to make serving and cleanup easy, with reusable dishes, a "handout" spot for putting the beverages in the outdoor cooler, 2 grills, lots of shady places to sit, a pond with a bubbling fountain, and water toys for the kids.

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I always prefer a home made meal to going out. There is something special about sharing food with friends. Your gatherings sound nice and cozy.


I’m grateful I was raised in a small town without much outside entertainment. It teaches you to love the simple and often free things in life. Entertainment was getting together with friends and family to eat, chat and play games. We loved going for long walks with dog, riding bikes, croquet, badminton, riding horses and a good neighborhood game of hide and seek. I’m thankful we didn’t have many TV stations in the olden days so we didn’t watch too much TV and learned to be creative with our free time. Long walks by the creek to catch tadpoles and watch them turn into frogs and then let them go. My brother and I loved surprising our parents by detailing their cars or cleaning and organizing the garage. Good times. Good memories.


In the past, I would have said coffee every morning. However, I had my gallbladder out five weeks ago and completely lost the desire to have coffee! Coffee was my life!

I am grateful for my daily walks that do so much for me. I am grateful for my doctors who care for me. I am older and aging but I am grateful I can work. My one job closed but another door opened up for the same company.

I am grateful for the gifts of prayer and laughter.

I am grateful for my optimism and for the kindess of others.



I’m grateful I was raised in a small town without much outside entertainment. It teaches you to love the simple and often free things in life. Entertainment was getting together with friends and family to eat, chat and play games. We loved going for long walks with dog, riding bikes, croquet, badminton, riding horses and a good neighborhood game of hide and seek. I’m thankful we didn’t have many TV stations in the olden days so we didn’t watch too much TV and learned to be creative with our free time. Long walks by the creek to catch tadpoles and watch them turn into frogs and then let them go. My brother and I loved surprising our parents by detailing their cars or cleaning and organizing the garage. Good times. Good memories.

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I had to smile when I read this. Brought up so many memories! It also makes me sad for young people today who have such a disturbing world around them. Thank you for these memories!

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