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Thank you so much for your kind words and for including me in your thoughts. My mind is full of questions. Sadly, the state of Texas only gives its teachers an HMO so I am limited in choices but so far getting the referrals has gone smoothly. I meet with the surgeon on Tuesday and I’m sure I will have even more questions. I have many friends and a sister who have had breast cancer and I’ve already reached out to them for advice on how to handle everything. The hardest part of the whole process for me so far has been watching my kids with the news and not being able to fix the pain that it has caused them. I just have to keep a positive mindset and trust that the surgeon will get clean margins, if nit the first time, then at least eventually. I feel like I still have so much life left to live!

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Replies to "Thank you so much for your kind words and for including me in your thoughts. My..."

Thanks for the feedback! It sounds like you've got a good support system. That's great. I think you can reassure your kids that nowadays breast cancer is very treatable. I don't know your situation, but if it is discovered early, recovery is 95 - 100%. Depending on their ages, maybe you can consider making them part of your team - each could take a couple of chores to do to help you. I just Googled "mommy has breast cancer book" and there are several that popped up. There's even a book called "My Parent Has Cancer and It Really Sucks" for older kids. If you've got a public library in town, the librarian can probably help you. (My mom was a librarian, so I have great faith in them!)
The word "invasive" is really scary. I was shaking all over when I read that in the biopsy report. But it turned out that the actual tumor was only 2mm - bigger than a BB but smaller than a pea! I hope yours turns out to be small also. With ILC they may not know the exact size until after they have taken it out. I will say that the lumpectomy surgery was not as bad as I had feared. I had had my appendix out a number of years ago (the old-fashioned way, not laparoscopy) and that was considerably worse than either lumpectomy. I was able to take off a week from work to recover from the lumpectomy, which was good, but I am 69. I did nothing but rest for two days, then did some work from home on the computer a few hours a day for the rest of the week. If you are still teaching and have kids at home, you must be a lot younger than I am, so will probably recover faster! Good luck. I am praying for a good recovery for you.