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So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. my surgical experience was similar to yours.

The first chem infusion was the worst. I’m not sure if they give limited supplements to assess how you react. I had my chemo on Friday and went back rxon Sunday to have it disconnected and to have a Neulasta (which raises your white blood cell counts installed on my arm (it is a shot that cannot be administered until 46 hours after chemo. I highly recommended mend the Neulasta to as it helps your immune system and prevents Neutropnia during the six months of chemo.

I worked throughout my chemo, with the exception of the day of and Monday after. It became more difficult as it went on as side effects are cumulative.

I had pretty difficult nausea which resulted in aversion to eating and pretty severe weight loss. It was actually call chemo driven anorexia. Had pre-treatment drugs when I arrived for chemo, which I believe is standard. As my post chemo nausea was pretty severe. My oncologist added Olanzpine (an anti psychotic med that helps to increase your appetite. It worked very well for me. I am going to continue on a separate post S I have to step away for a bit.

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Replies to "So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. my surgical experience was similar to yours. The first..."

Thank you for letting me know your experience. I guess everyone's is a little different. Were you on the Fluorouracil regimen? My doctor says I will have that, Irinotecan; Oxaliplatin and Leucovorin. I'm having my post surgical CT scan 7/9; port on 7/10 and then begin on 7/15. How was your post surgery bloodwork, especially the CA-19, if you don't mind me asking? Again, I know that everyone's journey is so different, I assisted my brother through his 4.5 year battle with stage 4 metastatic colon cancer. He was a warrior with little to no side effects until his liver surgery which really destroyed him unfortunately. I am glad that it appears this was caught early enough, for both of us, that treatment is available. Any other advice or just thoughts much appreciated. I am trying to put on a little bit of weight prior to starting, I'm only about 8 pounds off of my normal which is about 145. I got down to 133 after surgery but I had been losing some weight prior to surgery because of my gallbladder issues. I refused to eat anything with too much fat content or I would have a gallbladder attack. I had a cheeseburger for the first time last night in 6 months and it was heaven! I haven't eaten beef since January, only fish and chicken. I was 138 this morning, so I'm pushing for another 5-6 pounds before 7/15!