Welcome to Mayo Connect. Though Connect members cannot give you an answer to your exact situation, they can offer advice that might help you.
You can request your medical records, including surgery and recovery room notes. This would include any medications given. The problem is it will be very hard for a lay person to interpret and understand. Everyone reacts differently to drugs. My sister has terrible time with anesthesia where I have never had a reaction to anesthesia.
During my gallbladder surgery, after anesthesia was started, they were unable to insert a breathing tube due to narrow throat opening; they had to reverse anesthesia and wake me back up. I remember waking up and asking for suction and trying to wave arms around. They did eventually get breathing tube inserted and were able to continue with surgery. The most important thing for me after surgery was to make sure it never happen again. Every anesthesiologist I have think there better than previous one, but I still warn them prior to surgery.
Few questions I would ask your surgeon:
- Are the mental changes your having a result of surgery or the experience you had in post-op. Will it improve?
- Is there anything that should be done different if you have future surgery to prevent a similar situation happening in post op. Can you have it documented in letter to share with future surgeons / anesthesiologist?
Do you have a follow-up appointment with surgeon scheduled?
I seem to have an unusual problem in that I am ALWAYS dizzy; recently with complete loss of balance. I had CAT scan, then MRI, heart workup. Was tested for a stroke. Everything was normal.