Is gallbladder removal scheduled for next week premature?

Posted by wisewoman10 @wisewoman10, Jun 13, 2024

I have had severe upper right quadrant abdominal pain for several weeks that finally subsided in the past few days. In the meantime, I had an abdominal ultrasound that revealed a "mobile gallstone" and gallstone sludge. I was astounded because I eat a really healthy diet, exercise regularly and am not overweight. Also no family history of gallbladder disease. However, 4 years ago, my appendix ruptured after one day of pain and no history of appendicitis. I never want that kind of emergency again, as the peritonitis that ensued was horrendous and it took six months to get my digestion and regularity back online. Both my PCP and general surgeon have recommended elective cholecystectomy, which I have scheduled for next week, but I'm having second thoughts after only one (albeit prolonged) gallbladder attack. I'm afraid of the cure being worse than the disease. Has anyone had their gallbladder removed after only a short period of gallbladder pain? Thanks for any input!

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Are both you (msmelnick) and (wisewoman10) having surgery on the same day,, Wednesday, June 18th - or am I misreading the posts? In any case, I will be praying for everyone and especially, msmelnik and wisewoman10 thinking they will be having their gallbladders removed this coming Wednesday, June 18th...

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Thank you! We are a day apart. Mine is today. I appreciate the kind words. That's why I like this Mayo clinic program. It allows us to be cheerleader's for each other. Sometimes a bit of support goes a long way. Especially from those that are experiencing the same thing.


Our surgery is a day apart! I'll be back as mine is today with an update on my progress. Good luck to wisewoman10.

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Good luck to you as well! I hope everything goes smooth and easy. I actually had to cancel my surgery because I just learned that my brother (my only sib) is hospitalized in Virginia for a serious infection in his spinal column. He has many risk factors, and his wife is scheduled for back surgery on Thursday. I am the least urgent/emergent one in the family, so I will postpone to allow time for me to go help care for them. Not worried about a delay, as my original post was a curiosity as to whether my surgery would be premature with only one gall bladder attack! I know this is something I will have to deal with, and perhaps sooner than later, but all things being relative, I need to help the family right now.


Good luck to you as well! I hope everything goes smooth and easy. I actually had to cancel my surgery because I just learned that my brother (my only sib) is hospitalized in Virginia for a serious infection in his spinal column. He has many risk factors, and his wife is scheduled for back surgery on Thursday. I am the least urgent/emergent one in the family, so I will postpone to allow time for me to go help care for them. Not worried about a delay, as my original post was a curiosity as to whether my surgery would be premature with only one gall bladder attack! I know this is something I will have to deal with, and perhaps sooner than later, but all things being relative, I need to help the family right now.

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Oh yes! They really need some support it sounds like. I'm glad you are able to be there for them. Best to all of you. Spinal infection and back surgery are both very serious indeed. They are lucky to have you.


I had the same experience with my appendix! What a horror. Can you get a second opinion on the surgery? If it is all fine right now, how about waiting until it happens again? Please consult with a doctor who is not a surgeon. Good luck!


Surgeons normally say yes take GB out. Don't eat anything oily and see how it goes. Two doctors and one surgeon told me to take it out and I have not yet.


Surgeons normally say yes take GB out. Don't eat anything oily and see how it goes. Two doctors and one surgeon told me to take it out and I have not yet.

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My Dr told me take gallbladder out because its functioning at 17% but I said no since it doesn't hurt! I also have chronic pancreatitis I asked if taking out gallbladder would fix pancreas but she said no, so I'm hanging on to it, I think Drs make lot of money taking out gallbladder, it just doesn't make sense to me if I'm not having pain .


My Dr told me take gallbladder out because its functioning at 17% but I said no since it doesn't hurt! I also have chronic pancreatitis I asked if taking out gallbladder would fix pancreas but she said no, so I'm hanging on to it, I think Drs make lot of money taking out gallbladder, it just doesn't make sense to me if I'm not having pain .

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Just have chew your food really good and no bacons or any oily food, butter, full fat milk or any oily meat. Chew food really good. Just be careful stones don't go into your duct and into pancreas. If they do, the pancreas juice will start secreting and starts eating organs around it and they have to out tubes inside to get the juice out. Pancreas is one of the organs that can damage everything inside the belly area. I also have cysts in pancreas. They are monitoring it. One doctor wanted to poke at it to get sample of cyst and the other says don't touch it if cyst small, there is a chance they touch the pancreas. I have read that core of the pineapple is good for pancreatitis. I think you are supposed to boil with some water and drink the water. Google it and see if I am correct.


Just have chew your food really good and no bacons or any oily food, butter, full fat milk or any oily meat. Chew food really good. Just be careful stones don't go into your duct and into pancreas. If they do, the pancreas juice will start secreting and starts eating organs around it and they have to out tubes inside to get the juice out. Pancreas is one of the organs that can damage everything inside the belly area. I also have cysts in pancreas. They are monitoring it. One doctor wanted to poke at it to get sample of cyst and the other says don't touch it if cyst small, there is a chance they touch the pancreas. I have read that core of the pineapple is good for pancreatitis. I think you are supposed to boil with some water and drink the water. Google it and see if I am correct.

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I don't eat red meat and stay away from fats and alcohol, I have no stones my ducts are good and normal Dr said but my pancreas is abnormal, measuring 2mm. No cyst just gallbladder not working properly and chronic pancreatitis, I have to take enzymes every time I eat, I feel pain only when I eat something fatty so I try my best not to eat fatty stuff, I will Google that about core of pineapple , very interesting, thank you


Oh yes! They really need some support it sounds like. I'm glad you are able to be there for them. Best to all of you. Spinal infection and back surgery are both very serious indeed. They are lucky to have you.

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I am trying to find out if your surgery and wisewoman10's surgery is finished and everyone is home and in a happy mood? I just joined last week and I am constantly confused and lost lol....therefore, would you somehow drop me a note letting me know how you are doing? I am now going to search for wisewoman 10.......Be well and happy!


I am trying to find out if your surgery and wisewoman10's surgery is finished and everyone is home and in a happy mood? I just joined last week and I am constantly confused and lost lol....therefore, would you somehow drop me a note letting me know how you are doing? I am now going to search for wisewoman 10.......Be well and happy!

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Hi - This is wisewoman10! I made an eleventh hour decision to postpone my surgery that was scheduled for this past Wednesday. The combination of feeling that it was premature (Only one gallbladder attack so far) combined with a family member who's been hospitalized for a week needing my help as he returns home was enough to change my decision. In the meantime, I have started taking Milk Thistle and Tudca to see if I can help improve my bile flow. Western medicine doctors generally won't advise this stuff, but there's plenty of evidence that these can help your biliary system flow better. Not ready to give up an organ until I at least try!

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