Has anyone tried Scrambler Therapy for neuropathy or for pain?

Posted by wisfloj @wisfloj, May 23, 2019

I have read about this device and I’m hoping someone can attest to its effectiveness for idiopathic neuropathy. I've read success stories and information online. Apparently insurance does not cover treatments, to the tune of $250 for the customary recommended 10 consecutive weekdays.

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Wow, do I want to keep in touch with you!! IS IT HELPING with the pain?? I live in Atlanta also-I have not found a doctor that really knows anything about the Scrambler? Did you have an (is it called a ENG?) before having the Scrambler Treatment?

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Hey, I just returned from Charleston where I had 5 treatments- It didn’t work…no benefit whatsoever-
I wrote a very long detailed description and somehow it disappeared before I could save or post:(
I am back here in Atlanta and back to square one. I return to work next week.
I’m so utterly defeated after putting in the energy and taking time off work to get help. She did say that not everyone responds to this treatment-
I will say that I think I should have had afternoon appointments- I did a fair amount of walking but it was after I had morning treatment- so she didn’t have a baseline for a pain level because when I went in for treatment I was fine - then I’d leave, go out and walk 3-4 miles- Afterwards the tingling and numbing would start. Of course the burning too( bottom of feet and toes only)
I am considering red light therapy or cold laser therapy?!
I’m desperate because I can’t quit work and I am looking at at least 5 more years - The neurologist I saw referred me to a pain clinic and all they wanted to do was implant a spinal cord pump into my spine - They didn’t even l examine my feet!
So I said nope not for me, got accepted into the MUSC Scrsmbler therapy-
It was 100.00 a visit - you pay by the day - my lodging cost more ( Airbnb)
I don’t know what to do - I feel like I’ve slipped through the cracks and haven’t found the correct care to get me through-
I know this is a chronic condition and I don’t expect to live a pain free life but if I could get a little relief.
It doesn’t help that I work in the air( pressurized cabin) and that makes it worse.. sorry for the rant -
If anyone has any recommendations for legit treatment here in Metro Atlanta please share! Thank you


Wow, do I want to keep in touch with you!! IS IT HELPING with the pain?? I live in Atlanta also-I have not found a doctor that really knows anything about the Scrambler? Did you have an (is it called a ENG?) before having the Scrambler Treatment?

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It didn’t work. Sadly we both decided I wasn’t getting any benefit from the treatment. I’m going to a chiropractor office to try cold laser therapy- I am desperate


It didn’t work. Sadly we both decided I wasn’t getting any benefit from the treatment. I’m going to a chiropractor office to try cold laser therapy- I am desperate

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I so totally understand how you feel and I am having the same situation. You are right about Pain Specialists and their spinal cord stimulators-I liked the one I went to alot; but, after trying two different brand of stimulators and neither stopped the pain. he then said it was extremely hard to help anyone with neuropathy and referred me back to my neurologist!!There must be alot of $$$ involved because he was the third pain specialist that wanted to do the stimultors on me. We need to keep in touch to see if either of us finds anything that helps. I just went through the nerve testing yesterday and the Dr that did the testing then said that I had "severe neuropathy"-REALLY??? I have an appointment with the neurologist again next week; but, I am losing faith!


I so totally understand how you feel and I am having the same situation. You are right about Pain Specialists and their spinal cord stimulators-I liked the one I went to alot; but, after trying two different brand of stimulators and neither stopped the pain. he then said it was extremely hard to help anyone with neuropathy and referred me back to my neurologist!!There must be alot of $$$ involved because he was the third pain specialist that wanted to do the stimultors on me. We need to keep in touch to see if either of us finds anything that helps. I just went through the nerve testing yesterday and the Dr that did the testing then said that I had "severe neuropathy"-REALLY??? I have an appointment with the neurologist again next week; but, I am losing faith!

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What doctor ( neurologist) are you going to? I have only met Dr. Lazarus twice. He is with Atlanta Neuroscience Institute. All my appointments were with his NP. They specialize in MS, Parkinson’s disease,etc. So I was an outlier as I don’t have any other ailments and I’m not diabetic so idiopathic in both feet is my Dx.
I’ve had 3 EMG’s over the past 10 years, They did a spinal MRI last summer and all was normal.
It’s my only my feet and they are deteriorating,specially the past 2 years.
Yesterday I went to a chiropractor who did Cold Laser Therapy. You don’t get immediate results - its done over several visits - 40.00 a pop, 10 minutes then 5 of icing.
I saw a practice advertisement up in Woodstock ( another chiropractor) that uses red light therapy. So that’s another option.
Re:,Sponal cord implant ..did you have that done ? There is no way I’d agree to that as a way to manage pain. I got a second opinion and he said absolutely not. The risks involved outweigh a potential benefit.
I’m panicking as I return to work next week( I’ve been out on short term disability) My job is hard enough on a body with no problems. It’s 10X worse if you have foot problems as we are on our feet the entire time.
I see myself driving all over Metro Atlanta trying to find relief. I was extremely letdown after this last treatment that failed - I had high hopes.
Keep me posted - I hope between the 2 of us we find some relief.


I had 2 different trials with the SCS's and neither helped at all so they were never put in

I am going to Dr Desai-neurologist in Sandy Springs. Laureate Medical Had the EMG done last week and it did come back "severe" neuropathy-meet with them tomorrow; but, my feelings are that there is very little to help.
I am so disappointed that you have not found any relief-was planning on having it done. I checked the BBB in Bonita Springs (that is where it was started, I believe) and there were no complaints about them-that sounded good; but, so sorry it didn't help you. We need to stay in touch


Hey, I just returned from Charleston where I had 5 treatments- It didn’t work…no benefit whatsoever-
I wrote a very long detailed description and somehow it disappeared before I could save or post:(
I am back here in Atlanta and back to square one. I return to work next week.
I’m so utterly defeated after putting in the energy and taking time off work to get help. She did say that not everyone responds to this treatment-
I will say that I think I should have had afternoon appointments- I did a fair amount of walking but it was after I had morning treatment- so she didn’t have a baseline for a pain level because when I went in for treatment I was fine - then I’d leave, go out and walk 3-4 miles- Afterwards the tingling and numbing would start. Of course the burning too( bottom of feet and toes only)
I am considering red light therapy or cold laser therapy?!
I’m desperate because I can’t quit work and I am looking at at least 5 more years - The neurologist I saw referred me to a pain clinic and all they wanted to do was implant a spinal cord pump into my spine - They didn’t even l examine my feet!
So I said nope not for me, got accepted into the MUSC Scrsmbler therapy-
It was 100.00 a visit - you pay by the day - my lodging cost more ( Airbnb)
I don’t know what to do - I feel like I’ve slipped through the cracks and haven’t found the correct care to get me through-
I know this is a chronic condition and I don’t expect to live a pain free life but if I could get a little relief.
It doesn’t help that I work in the air( pressurized cabin) and that makes it worse.. sorry for the rant -
If anyone has any recommendations for legit treatment here in Metro Atlanta please share! Thank you

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I had an intro visit with a short treatment with Scrambler Therapy in Chandler AZ - and it seemed to work for a day of two. Wanted to follow through with therapy - but no time as we left for Montana for 4 months. Unrelatd back pain drove me to a Chiropractor {Logan Medical Hospital and its local Clinic won't see me untill August 9]

Montana Chiro signed me up for course of treatment with Rebuilder, Supplements, LZR Ultra Light, office visits with an electric shock device? and vibrator for en ire body, After 3 weeks I can now start to feel the electrical impulses from the Rebuilder. Is this a sign the treatment is Working?


When I checked the website here in Atlanta, I wanted to see which type of doctors were using the Calmare Treatment.
I was looking specifically for any neurologist-none listed! Looked further to see if any neurologist anywhere was trying it and No was the answer until its proven to be more successful-that doesn't mean I may not try it though.


I have contacted the doctor in the US with the most experience. It is Calmar Pain Relief in Bonita Springs, FL. Calmar is the proper name for scrambler therapy. The treatment takes 2 weeks, Monday thru Friday. The total cost is approximately $4,000. Some insurance covers it, at least partially. Mayo does offer it, however I've heard that their doctors are not as experienced, and apparently that greatly affects the outcome.

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So Mayo Clinic is offering it?? Is it supposed to help specific neuropathy types?


So Mayo Clinic is offering it?? Is it supposed to help specific neuropathy types?

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You might find these two 2015 Mayo patient stories helpful.

-- Sidelined No More – Scrambler Therapy Puts Tess Wilson Back in Action:
-- Breaking Away From Pain With the Help of ‘The Scrambler’:


What doctor ( neurologist) are you going to? I have only met Dr. Lazarus twice. He is with Atlanta Neuroscience Institute. All my appointments were with his NP. They specialize in MS, Parkinson’s disease,etc. So I was an outlier as I don’t have any other ailments and I’m not diabetic so idiopathic in both feet is my Dx.
I’ve had 3 EMG’s over the past 10 years, They did a spinal MRI last summer and all was normal.
It’s my only my feet and they are deteriorating,specially the past 2 years.
Yesterday I went to a chiropractor who did Cold Laser Therapy. You don’t get immediate results - its done over several visits - 40.00 a pop, 10 minutes then 5 of icing.
I saw a practice advertisement up in Woodstock ( another chiropractor) that uses red light therapy. So that’s another option.
Re:,Sponal cord implant ..did you have that done ? There is no way I’d agree to that as a way to manage pain. I got a second opinion and he said absolutely not. The risks involved outweigh a potential benefit.
I’m panicking as I return to work next week( I’ve been out on short term disability) My job is hard enough on a body with no problems. It’s 10X worse if you have foot problems as we are on our feet the entire time.
I see myself driving all over Metro Atlanta trying to find relief. I was extremely letdown after this last treatment that failed - I had high hopes.
Keep me posted - I hope between the 2 of us we find some relief.

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Let me find out which "chiropractic" practice in Woodstock she went to and will ask again what she said-I don't think she thought they helped at all; but, I will ask
I had the testing for SCS and none of the trials worked at all. What different meds do you take?

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