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All the luck to you and your bucket list. I was able to do the things I wanted to do when I was younger and healthy. No bucket list for me other than spending time with my family.

As far as low-fat diet goes and Creon, I never thought that Creon was not a complete replacement therapy. Not sure if what you were saying is Creon is not complete replacement therapy and we then all need to have a low-fat diet or problems will happen. And then as we are still not processing fat for all the stuff we need that we may also need other supplements. Doctor Ahmad advised to drink 3 protein/nutrition shakes a day. I use the Boost Glucose control ones. I was asking about how I could heal faster and better and that was the doctors reply. I just maybe did not think that maybe I would always have trouble with digesting fat going forward.

Hope you have many more quality years.

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Replies to "All the luck to you and your bucket list. I was able to do the things..."

I also feel like I was able to do many things I liked when I was young and healthy; although a broke college student for many years, however with income from sale of my home I have a bit to splurge now. I typically stay away from fat just because it’s so unhealthy. I did go on Creon for about 6-7 months after my surgery, but I no longer take it now. Protein shakes are a great resource following chemo sessions when I don’t feel like eating any heavy type foods. I buy my own vegan protein, almond milk, and Hersheys powder cocoa and 3 ice cubes and blend. I like to make a lot of my own food since I know it’s free of most additives and preservatives. I try to drink 1 shake per day but if I don’t , I’ll eat eggs and low sugar Chobani yogurt to try and get my share of protein for the day.
I also wish you much more quality time to spend with your sons and hopefully for a cure!