Does anyone have chronic constipation?

Posted by anna17X0X @anna17xox, Apr 11 5:30pm

I don't know what's going on with my digestion ,I have been chronically constipated since December so it's been 4 months. I am always gassy and the smell has been very foul so I've been scared and embarrassed to be around people lately because of how bad it smells, when I've tried to poop only gas comes out most of the time, sometimes my stomach feels stiff and I start to feel lethargic. And I've tried almost everything digestive drinks like meta Mucil, eating more fiber i live an active lifestyle and I drink plenty of fluids and water. I recently had an appointment with my pediatrician about this she made me do colon cleansing for a day . And take Miralax for a minimum of 3 weeks. My stools were watery during the cleansing but after a couple days it feels like my stool is going back to being hard and stubborn. I still don't poop completely sometimes and I'm still gassy but it's not smelly like it was before. She said I can stop taking Miralax when i feel like my stools are going back to normal after a few days or weeks and it's been a week or two and a few days. I know I still need to wait one more week but my follow-up appointment is next Wednesday. The Miralax seems like a temporary fix, I feel like it'' never go away the worst part is I cant figure out what the cause is. I don't think it's IBS because I heard IBS involves bloody stools and stomach cramps I don't have bloody stools and I don't think I get stomach cramps . It just feels like have some other serious digestive problem or something I don't really know. I don't want to be constipated for the rest of my life I feel miserable, my pediatrician said if the Miralax doesn't work as intended I may have to see a gastroenterologists.

Has anyone or is anyone dealing with chronic constipation ?,does it or did it ever go away ? and has anyone been experiencing the same symptoms as me ?.Do you have any recommendations on how they treat their constipation ?

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i have not tried the kiwi trick because it's hard to find kiwi at any local grocery stores around me but i'll be sure to try it when i do find them in any stores. I haven't considered a deficiency in magnesium but i will see if i am deficient in it.

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I have heard of the kiwi, and best if you scrub the fuzz off the skin and eat the skin too. I am too afraid of the teeny seeds. I know the seeds can cause awful trouble for diverticulitis, my dad had it. With my CIC and GI issues, I figure the seeds will get somewhere and get stuck. If you want to try chia seeds, soak, soak them vey well. Flax seeds I don't even remember if I used them. But if you use either, any fiber at all, if it were me, I would double or triple up on miralax, along with the fiber.


I just wanted to drop by and add a bit to this thread. After posting about my 2 year ordeal with constant constipation, I believe I found some answers. It’s worth checking out. I wish I had known to do that several years ago. It turns out I have Vitamin B12 deficiency. I thought I had adequately treated it last year, but my new neurologist says it takes a long time to restore the body. I should have stayed on a large dose. I’m now on mega doses and finding I have issues throughout my body. It’s very upsetting, but at least now I know. Please get your vitamin levels checked, before you start any supplements.

Oh, after starting the large daily B12 regimen , per my doctor’s orders, I have BM daily without taking any products like Miralax. It’s bizarre.


I just wanted to drop by and add a bit to this thread. After posting about my 2 year ordeal with constant constipation, I believe I found some answers. It’s worth checking out. I wish I had known to do that several years ago. It turns out I have Vitamin B12 deficiency. I thought I had adequately treated it last year, but my new neurologist says it takes a long time to restore the body. I should have stayed on a large dose. I’m now on mega doses and finding I have issues throughout my body. It’s very upsetting, but at least now I know. Please get your vitamin levels checked, before you start any supplements.

Oh, after starting the large daily B12 regimen , per my doctor’s orders, I have BM daily without taking any products like Miralax. It’s bizarre.

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Good for you for discovering that! I personally, had too much B12 in my system and just had to eliminate the supplemental vitamin I was taking. Still have issues though..


Good for you for discovering that! I personally, had too much B12 in my system and just had to eliminate the supplemental vitamin I was taking. Still have issues though..

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Glad yours is good. I thought mine was high too after I took treatment, but it was a false report. I’d discuss any B12 tests results with a specialist. I discovered through him that a b12 blood test may only reflect was in the blood, but not what’s in the body. So, after taking the vitamin, he says subsequent tests aren’t of value. It’s the original number. I let my guard down too early.

I sure hope you find help. Keep trying.


Hi everyone,i know i havn't been tuning in for a while but im just here to give an update on my chronic constipation.I finally stopped taking colace june 18 and started doing this stretching excercise on youtube 6 days a week every morning. And have been eating probiotic yogurt as well and i have been passing decent stools more frequently on most mornings. I have little to no straining which is good but i'm still seeing a GI on the 16th of july just to do some examinations and possibly find out what caused the chronic constipation.

The video to the stretching excercise is linked below for anyone incase it might be of any help, And to those of you still dealing with chronic constipation im wishing you guys the best of luck and pray for your releif.
"7 Min Stretching Exercises To Help With Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation & IBS | Morning & Night"
BY:Daniela Suarez


I have chronic constipation which has increased. I have had two tests: Defography and Manometry and a diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction with a rectocele. The rectocele is a pouch and holds stool.
I have gone throug every OTC constipation med which worked for a brief time. Last prescription med which worked in the beginning and now hit and miss is Linzess. I am very concerned. My Dr. told me I will have to take a med to be able to go. I had a SITZ marker test which also showed slow transit. I am in contact with a gastroenterologist.

I began constipation as a child.


I have chronic constipation which has increased. I have had two tests: Defography and Manometry and a diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction with a rectocele. The rectocele is a pouch and holds stool.
I have gone throug every OTC constipation med which worked for a brief time. Last prescription med which worked in the beginning and now hit and miss is Linzess. I am very concerned. My Dr. told me I will have to take a med to be able to go. I had a SITZ marker test which also showed slow transit. I am in contact with a gastroenterologist.

I began constipation as a child.

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Also, due to precancerous polyps removed 4 years ago and they can grow
back, I was supposed to have a repeat colonoscopy in 3 years. It's now
been four. I can't keep putting it off so scheduled Aug. 6. I was given
GoLytely as a prep. Can only mix it with water. Other instructions a week
beforehand also. Prayers please.


I have chronic constipation which has increased. I have had two tests: Defography and Manometry and a diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction with a rectocele. The rectocele is a pouch and holds stool.
I have gone throug every OTC constipation med which worked for a brief time. Last prescription med which worked in the beginning and now hit and miss is Linzess. I am very concerned. My Dr. told me I will have to take a med to be able to go. I had a SITZ marker test which also showed slow transit. I am in contact with a gastroenterologist.

I began constipation as a child.

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I hear you and understand what you are going through. I am using every laxative known to man and still do not have normal bowel movements. I feel for everyone who has CC. It changes your life.

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