Post-TKR 11 Weeks - Numb, Heavy, Pain

Posted by maryliza @maryliza, Jun 17 10:35pm

I’m 11 weeks post-TKR and while I am progressing and feeling better, I still have a heavy, tight feeling around my knee. I have pain in the front of my leg (shin bone) and my leg goes numb from the knee to foot when standing or walking for more than 10 minutes. When this happens, I tend to kick out from the knee while walking instead of flexing. When I lie down, I still have the tingly feeling from thigh to foot. I describe it as “ants in my pants feeling”.

Even though I told him about the issues, at eight weeks my surgeon released me and said “see you in a year.” He said it was most likely a back issue and not a knee issue. My physical therapist says to give it time. I’m at 130/0.

Is this normal?

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Time for a new doctor. Anyone who dismisses or gaslights your pain, be it a nurse practitioner or Physicians Assistant, family doctor, or surgeon, is someone to leave behind politely.

It’s problematic for new doctors to take on other doctors problems but many will, and it may be you are geographically limited, but your health is important enough to seek out someone who will help you and care, not demean and belittle you.

If you have the ability to, read online and other reviews before you go for a second opinion. Try a university centered medical community, or an expert in revisions, but definitely go to a compassionate surgeon recommended by family and friends if possible.

And whatever you do, don’t badmouth the prior practitioner. Just say things didn’t work out and you needed new insight.

Good luck. It’s wrong to sit in pain without attempting a solution. Plain wrong. And any practitioner who says there’s nothing there without looking at the possibility there is, should be avoided.

No one is perfect and no one reacts the same. Real competent medical professionals know this.


I am almost 10 weeks post op with my TKR. I still have numbness on the outer part of my knee to the middle. My PT said ot is because they cut through nerves during the surgery. I am told the nerves will regenerate itself and grow back. When they start growing back there will be some tingling. I still have pain when I got a while and then have to get up. I am told that is normal and it will get better over time. Still have stiffness. Also told it will eventually go away


I agree with @hyde3357! While there may be a reasonable explanation for the symptoms you experience, you definitely should be heard and all your symptoms considered and explained in a manner that you understand. Also, your provider should want to be sure that you are healing properly and that your symptoms are abating accordingly.


I feel for you! I would agree with the others that you should consult a different doctor if you are not happy with the results. I should have done this myself, now i'm 2yrs 7mo out from my surgery, still cannot kneel on that knee, slight swelling still, numb on right side to middle knee and now walk with a cane full time. Stand up for yourself now before you become my story.


Your movement amazing …. But tightness can last a very long time ..keep moving it helps ..have you read about others have the tight band feeling after surgery it takes while to go away … read about it might help . I am shocked your dr released you at 11 weeks with an issue ….i would seek a second opinion. I had issues with first tkr at 10-12 weeks was still in pain could not gain any movement… long story short new dr with one x-ray seen knee was to big had to wait a year to have revision but much better now ….so yes second opinion I would surly recommend….the more information the better…. Good luck hope you find answers….


Time for a new doctor. Anyone who dismisses or gaslights your pain, be it a nurse practitioner or Physicians Assistant, family doctor, or surgeon, is someone to leave behind politely.

It’s problematic for new doctors to take on other doctors problems but many will, and it may be you are geographically limited, but your health is important enough to seek out someone who will help you and care, not demean and belittle you.

If you have the ability to, read online and other reviews before you go for a second opinion. Try a university centered medical community, or an expert in revisions, but definitely go to a compassionate surgeon recommended by family and friends if possible.

And whatever you do, don’t badmouth the prior practitioner. Just say things didn’t work out and you needed new insight.

Good luck. It’s wrong to sit in pain without attempting a solution. Plain wrong. And any practitioner who says there’s nothing there without looking at the possibility there is, should be avoided.

No one is perfect and no one reacts the same. Real competent medical professionals know this.

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I agree. I am at 8 weeks and have no discomfort at all except for the tightness in the morning or after a good P/T session. I agree it is time for a new doctor or at least another opinion. I met a fellow in the office today that had to have an another surgery because the prosthetic was faulty and caused him pain. I sincerely hope you get relief from the pain you are experiencing.


I am almost 10 weeks post op with my TKR. I still have numbness on the outer part of my knee to the middle. My PT said ot is because they cut through nerves during the surgery. I am told the nerves will regenerate itself and grow back. When they start growing back there will be some tingling. I still have pain when I got a while and then have to get up. I am told that is normal and it will get better over time. Still have stiffness. Also told it will eventually go away

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If your ROM is as expected, it sounds like your recovery is going very well. I am 2 years post TKR. Still have some numbness on the outside of the knee. I was told it may never go away completely, but I never notice the numbness. At only 10 weeks post op TKR, stiffness and pain when getting up to a standing position after sitting for awhile is normal for many months. All “normal “ issues should improve over time - and will unless there is a problem.

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