Does anyone have short bowel syndrome?
5 years ago I had a small intestines blockage and had to have all but 2 feet of my small intestines removed. I was on TPN and a feeding tube for a couple years years now I am eat food. I am able to eat most foods except raw vegetables and high fiber foods.
Over two years ago I started having constant abdominal spasms and constant nausea, doctors don't know what is causing it. The spasms feels like someone is twisting my insides and some pressure. Nausea medications don't help with the nausea.
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Hello, my mother had the same symptoms but for 6 months or so. It turned out she needed emergency surgery for abdominal adhesions.
It could be something “looping” which with a scan was seen in my own abdomen. I had small intestines also removed because of a mesh infection. I’m now seeing a surgeon about this. I know it could be caused by scar tissue.
Praying things improve!
About a month ago my doctor prescribed haldol for my constant abdominal spasms and constant nausea. The haldol is helping. Finally I only have little abdominal pain and little nausea. Pain level is a 3 compared to a 7/8 before haldol.
Hadol is helping with the abdominal spasms and nausea but I am still having other symptoms that my doctors are ignoring.
@tjanet is this the same medication you are taking?
Yes,That is the medication that I am taking for pain and nausea. It's a antipsychotic medication but it is also used for pain and nausea.
I have short gut syndrome. I only have two feet of my small intestines but all of my large intestines and Colon.
I am having major diarrhea and most anti diarrhea medication makes my symptoms worse. My GI doctor isn't much help with my short gut syndrome problems.
tJanet, This is miserable for you. I have a bit too long and severely damaged in my small intestines , I have been way too long, redundant splenic(splenic just means it is on mu left/descending side of large intestine. I'm get more baffled (my word for angry at drs) when they can't or won't help. The intestinal tract, from where the food goes in to where the food comes out, is the simplest definition of a GI Dr. That I know of. But I'm in no way surprised by your inept response. I am not much help with diarrhea, cuz the multitude of times I have it, I have caused it on purpose to deal with CIC(chronic idiopathic constipation).
Besides doing nothing and stay in pain, getting a new GI; you might try a colorectal specialist. I did not know what this is, someone said maybe I should look into at least a phone/video consultation with this type of doctor. It seems like, they would be like a GI-intestinal only specialist. I found the term under cancer. But, they treat non-cancer patients too. Hopefully you have insurance that covers a referral of this kind.
I suppose, you didn't have your small intestines mostly removed, for fun. So, how you treat the diarrhea and what is causing it might make a difference in how you treat your diarrhea. If you're not on any dietary restrictions, have you tried all the more constipating foods? For me, fiber is a double edged sword. Can you increase your fiber intake, via fiber supplement?
My new 1st, 2nd, 3 rd opinion options are: AI's. I don't even know how I found this. I'm sure you already know this, I didn't. I finally got the app, free, for POE. Inside it has many many options. Examples: Tarot Reading, mental health, physical health, how to peel a mango 😛, I love mangoes but they are buggers to peel.
I have several issues that I am getting zero help from the doctors, so I posed a very simple question, like is measles's or Rubella (German measles) worse? I knew the answer, but I used it to see how AI/POE work. I found that the more detailed explanation I give, even if it is long winded, the better results I get. You might give it a try. I would offer to trade you, some of your diarrhea for some of my CIC, if it was possible. Good luck!! Shelley
I have tried fiber foods but they don't help. Because of my health conditions I am to be on a low fiber diet. My GI doctor wants to continue to try my short gut syndrome as IBS,but I don't have IBS. Treating my short gut syndrome as IBS makes things worse not better.
tJanet, Well, gee whiz, your GI is certainly resting on his framed medical license, that is probably several years old, as he/she seems dismissive about the severity and QoL impact the diarrhea is causing you. I don't like/or have much respect for many many doctors these days. Possibly try a registered dietitian and the colorectal doctor. I'm sure your doctors hate " internet self doctoring" as much as mine.... but give it a try. Good luck, Shelley