← Return to Estrogen/Progestrone medication & DCIS Stage 0 Grade 3 diagnosis

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Thank you so much I have the same thoughts.

. I did have a 2nd mammogram with contrast and my take away was nothing new showed up. That is good news. I too do not want surgery of any kind but I'm actually more afraid of the radiation and medication that comes afterwards.

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Replies to "Thank you so much I have the same thoughts. . I did have a 2nd mammogram..."

Sometimes I think dealing with my fear has been the hardest part! It helped me to remember that I had efficacy in terms of treatment. For example, my radiologist told me I could take a 4 day "vacation" any time I needed it from radiation. I had 15 treatments and was fine--no skin problems or burning, and some mild fatigue that resolved. As to medication, I'm guessing you mean one that inhibits estrogen. I've been on letrozole for about 18 months without any problems. As you probably know, there are different kinds, and you can work with your oncologist. I'd told myself I'd do nothing that was unendurable and ended up--knock wood--having an ok time. May things go smoothly for you!

You may have some choices that have less radiation, less medication.
I had only 5 days of radiation, total. For some DCIS it could be enough. Some people are taking lower dose meds, every other day, or taking med holidays. Still not the answer we’re all looking for, but at least options.