Grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma in a male

Posted by tlc2167 @tlc2167, Jan 12, 2023

My husband just got his biopsy results back. Grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma. Any information would be helpful.

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Hope your husband is making out ok. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Keep strong


I had BC surgery yesterday. Prep time was more than surgery. Had Grade 1 stage 2 ( about 2.5 cm. ) growth on left breast. Doctors all wanted mastectomy but I was firm about lumpectomy ( which I got ) . Total surgery and recovery time was 3.5 hours. Got extra pain med. for chest which lasts about 24 hr. Was very thirsty and a bit dizzy yesterday. Slept well ( 7 hrs. ) and did morning chores today. Still a bit thirsty but no pain. Will see surgeon next week about radiation and chemo if necessary. Only 2 nodes were taken out so very little spreading and no drain to cope with, Have non-opiod pain med to use if needed ( 3 day supply ) Still a bit of brain fog. Glad to be over the mental fatigue of this. Good luck to all !


I had BC surgery yesterday. Prep time was more than surgery. Had Grade 1 stage 2 ( about 2.5 cm. ) growth on left breast. Doctors all wanted mastectomy but I was firm about lumpectomy ( which I got ) . Total surgery and recovery time was 3.5 hours. Got extra pain med. for chest which lasts about 24 hr. Was very thirsty and a bit dizzy yesterday. Slept well ( 7 hrs. ) and did morning chores today. Still a bit thirsty but no pain. Will see surgeon next week about radiation and chemo if necessary. Only 2 nodes were taken out so very little spreading and no drain to cope with, Have non-opiod pain med to use if needed ( 3 day supply ) Still a bit of brain fog. Glad to be over the mental fatigue of this. Good luck to all !

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Hi! @deebee41:

I admire your courageous strength! Went through BC surgery yesterday and here you are posting your progress report!

Best wishes to you on the journey ahead and have a full & speedy recovery!


Hi! @deebee41:

I admire your courageous strength! Went through BC surgery yesterday and here you are posting your progress report!

Best wishes to you on the journey ahead and have a full & speedy recovery!

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Thanks. I most uncomfortable part of all this is having to wear this tight abdominal truss/brace . Get to have my first shower in 2 days this afternoon !
On Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 10:13:03 AM PDT, Mayo Clinic Connect <> wrote:

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Hi! @deebee41:

I admire your courageous strength! Went through BC surgery yesterday and here you are posting your progress report!

Best wishes to you on the journey ahead and have a full & speedy recovery!
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