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Kevzara Side Effects?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jun 19 8:55am | Replies (11)

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I've only been on Kevzara a month and I'm not aware of any side effects so far. The true test will be in 2 months when I have labs done. There are a number of possible abnormalities like low neutrophils ( a type of white blood cell) and high liver enzymes. There is a possibility of infections. My rheumatologist had me take a special blood test for tuberculosis before getting on it. If it is your PCP ordering the drug I would make sure he/she will monitor you and do labs until you see a rheumatologist.
My prednisone side effects were never too bad but at dosages of 8 mg and above I was constantly either bruised or bleeding somewhere. I got down to 5 mg and most of that problem went away. I also had a very irregular heartbeat but that has calmed down on lower doses. Even if I can't get off prednisone I will be happy if I can just get lower than the 6 mg I am on right now.

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Replies to "I've only been on Kevzara a month and I'm not aware of any side effects so..."

I tapered from 15 down to 6.5 about 6 weeks ago but then had a bad flare, my first ever. My rheumatologist told me if I could get down to 4 it wouldn't hurt me and I'd have no side effects. I'm going to taper more slowly this time. Crossing fingers! My bruising is all on my forearms and hands. 🙁

Keep us posted on how the Kevzara works for you. Good luck!