← Return to Esophageal cancer treatment: Anyone have good experiences to share?

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Well, I had a traumatic experience. I had to call the EMS to get me to the emergency room. It was worse than a nightmare. I felt like I had a brick stick in my anus. I was literally screaming for God to make it stop. Finally I was given morphine and it passed, not from the morphine. I don't even want to talk about it. But I'm on a regimen of stool softeners and laxatives, so it's better now. I would rather wear Depends than go through that again.

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Replies to "Well, I had a traumatic experience. I had to call the EMS to get me to..."

Been there done that. Many of us EC patients will see some crazy extremes during our EC journeys. Our journeys will vary greatly due to our ages, other comorbidities, tumor type and size, ability to swallow along the way, initial stage at diagnosis, how we react to treatments, are we surgery eligible, etc.
I could barely swallow at diagnosis (T3N1M0), stage 3. I got a J tube the very next week, treatments still another 3 weeks from starting. I did not use my J tube correctly (because I didn't like it much)... so I became severely dehydrated and lost a bunch of weight as my CROSS protocol treatments got started. I vividly recall trying to pass a friggin' cucumber sized poop... it was going nowhere fast... the "baby was crowning"... I was in severe pain. I knew what would be done at the ER... but who knows how long that would be. So I used my right index finger and got to work breaking that sumbitch up! Hurt terribly... but I got the job done. Did this another time or two over the next two weeks. My doctors had given me a tool to use on my EC journey, this J tube, and I chose not to use it correctly. My bad. Once I started feeding myself 4 cartons a day (instead of 1 per day)... and adding some water to my feeds... all got better! Then my treatments opened up my esophagus pretty good and I started taking in stuff by mouth once again. Heaven. Over 4 years ago... pretty much back to normal now... but what a wild ride! Had that J tube for 8 months... 4 before surgery and 4 after surgery.