“Jakefix” here. Thanks for all the responses! I had Mohs fifteen years ago on side of nose, near nostril. Great job, used ear cartilage to re-construct. Doctors agree the new BCC in same spot is a new growth unrelated to the one removed 15 years ago (considered cured).
My original Mohs surgeon agreed to do the surgery for the new one, but I’ve since moved and the logistics of traveling 200 miles, a motel, etc, were overwhelming.
So I had Mohs last week again - 6/12 - on nose by a different surgeon. She didn’t close the wound…allowing the wound bed to heal a couple weeks and will then do a skin graft with skin likely from behind my ear. I read grafts “take” better after waiting for wound bed to heal. My surgeon is Mayo Clinic trained and does re-construction, though uses a separate plastic surgeon when necessary.
My concern right now - 4 days after Mohs surgery - is I only have half a smile. There’s a droop of my lip on side where BCC was on nose…I look similar to someone with Bell’s Palsy. My front teeth aren’t visible where the lips don’t move upward as they should when smiling. This didn’t happen 15 years ago.
Has this happened to anyone? Is my face just numb or is there nerve damage? I go back tomorrow for wound check and fresh bandage. I was 60 yrs old fifteen years ago, am now 75. I am worried about this.
Hope you got good news at your appointment. I didn't know the answers to your questions but I am interested in the outcome. I've had a couple of Mohs surgeries with the most relevant being on my right lower eyelid. The surgeon removed most of the eyelid even though the BCC looked very small to me. I was sent to a second surgeon for reconstructive surgery and was told right off the bat that my eye would be sewn shut for six weeks. It was then that I realized I should have asked more questions earlier in the game. After a couple uncomfortable hours in a hard chair, he took skin from my upper eyelid and it was done. I looked like I had been severely beaten about the face. It bled and wept for a couple days sending my wife into a panic. Eventually, it all worked out and it seems to look just fine. Now, I have small bump on my upper nose, close to my other eye that I am concerned about. I haven't seen anybody about it yet as I really don't want to go through that again. I had a Mohs surgery on my shin that, after an infection, and three different antibiotics, is finally about healed after 10 weeks. I'll be 84 in August and have to wonder if it's worth it. Don't think I trust the people who did my shin to work close to an eye. The eyelid was done about 60 miles away.