← Return to Severe withdrawals - Venlafaxine (Effexor) - please help!

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I was on Effexor XR for about 12 yrs or so, never attributing the horrid nightmares, night terrors, and hallucinations to the drug. Also a sense of "disconnect" and a slew of other daily issues, but never an improvement with depression...I've explained in detail in other sections here so I'll just cut to the chase: I wanted relief from all of these major disturbances that gripped my life, and made the decision to rid my system of this drug. But I did NOT go cold turkey nor did I devise my own plan or take advice from someone on the same medication. I turned to a trusted neurologist to have her create a tapering off schedule. Dose was slowly dwindled over a period of many months, and I was under her supervision. It was still a bit of hell, but manageable compared to what the demon drug had wrought. One thing for sure: Increasing the dose at any point along the journey was NOT ever considered. I wanted to MOVE FORWARD, not backward nor prolong the journey. With her compassionate care, I reached the last day and breathed a sigh of relief. It was still possible to have lingering effects but within a year I was totally released from the grips of any of the mental, psychological, and emotional remnants. I was convinced several years later to try generic Zoloft when I lost both my brother and my mother (I spun into another major depressive period in my life). Another huge mistake since that drug did nothing but to again blast my mind, emotions, and body with such painfully draining effects. And that drug was also tapered and finally eliminated with the guidance of the professional who had prescribed it. Zoloft inflicted auditory issues in its final weeks, requiring that the doctor arrange with my pharmacy for carefully measured drops spread out and also tapered over about 4 weeks before finally the sounds disappeared. Again lingering physical after effects but finally I was free of that drug also. Funny thing about those antidepressants: Neither actually addressed my depression...absolutamente nada.

I've posted on this site before and will reiterate: Please obtain PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE FOR TAPERING OFF AND ULTIMATELY CEASING ANY PRESCRIPTION DRUG.
Effexor is an especially potent antidepressant which carries many potentially devastating side effects, including cardiac issues. I did extensive research, obtaining info from medical institutions and medical journals, not Web MD etc. It is disturbing to still read about members within this site resorting to self-tapering or taking the advice of others who have done the same. Not everyone responds/reacts the same within given situations, so it's imperative to have PROFESSIONAL guidance.

My comments are not to be considered criticism, but rather strong recommendation based on my personal experiences. My journey through ridding my body of Effexor (and later Zoloft) was arduous, and I vowed to never put myself through that again.
For anyone who (like me) is especially sensitive to medications, please plan on having professional guidance. This is imperative if you have cardiac issues and are on other prescribed meds. Following the self-directed plans of what works for someone else is a scary thought to me. You are UNIQUELY YOU. You will not obtain release immediately, but step by step you WILL get to your goal. And I can tell you that it is so well worth it!

I wish you the best, and am including you in my prayers, that you may find relief and peace.💖🙏🏽

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Replies to "I was on Effexor XR for about 12 yrs or so, never attributing the horrid nightmares,..."

Thank you for your message. I am supposedly under the care of my doctor, but getting to see her is difficult. She seems to prefer phone consultations for one thing, and also makes appointments more than six weeks apart. My blood pressure has risen for example, and an appointment was made for me to talk to the pharmacist on 24th June, which was about four weeks ahead at that time. As far as the next appointment with the doctor is concerned, when it was found that I needed a slight adjustment to a thyroid medication, she said I’d need a blood test to check it in four - six weeks, that she would look out for the results, and phone to discuss everything then, when she had them. The blood test appointment has been made for 26th June. As everyone in the U.K. is discovering, you can sit waiting on the phone to a G.P. surgery for literally hours, waiting for the call to be answered. If given an appointment, it’s quite often not even with a doctor. The strange thing is that I didn’t seem to have any withdrawal symptoms at all until I was down to 37.5 mgs daily, (which took about six months). I sailed through until then. In my efforts to see someone, I’ve now tried writing an urgent letter to my G.P. She was supposed to be the duty doctor on Friday, (she had made a point of telling me that she would be there on most Fridays). Unfortunately I heard nothing. I am now hoping for a response tomorrow. If I don’t get one, I shall be resorting to turning up at the surgery, and refusing to leave until I’ve been seen by a doctor. I don’t know what else to do.
Thank you so much for your thoughts, concern, and good wishes.