Dental work while on Reclast

Posted by hlp123 @hlp123, Oct 4, 2022

I had an infusion of Reclast in March 2022 as a transition drug to stop taking Prolia. I had a tooth break off at the gum last week and saw an oral surgeon yesterday and he said he needs to remove the root of the tooth before it becomes infected. Has anyone had invasive dental work, such as this while on Reclast ?
Please let me know about your experience.
Thank you,

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Dear Lori,
Thank you again, for all of your helpful information. From now on I will think of you as "Wonder Woman", with a heart of Gold. It is so very kind of you to give of your time and share your expertise with me ! I know that you do not have to do this and I really appreciate it. I welcome your hand on my wrist and I am open to soaking up all of the calm energy that you send my way.
You have prepared me for Monday better than I could ever have wished for !
I will keep you updated ! Sending to you, all the hugs and blessings I can. You are very special. Holly


Dear Lori,
Thank you again, for all of your helpful information. From now on I will think of you as "Wonder Woman", with a heart of Gold. It is so very kind of you to give of your time and share your expertise with me ! I know that you do not have to do this and I really appreciate it. I welcome your hand on my wrist and I am open to soaking up all of the calm energy that you send my way.
You have prepared me for Monday better than I could ever have wished for !
I will keep you updated ! Sending to you, all the hugs and blessings I can. You are very special. Holly

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Aw, Holly, you’re so sweet. It’s my pleasure to help you. And honestly, sometimes I think I was spared to be able to continue being a ‘helper’…I seem to have been one all my life.
I know you’re going to be just fine on Monday and the days following. As I always tell my daughter when she’s facing a day filled with unpredictability, “You’re not alone, I’ll be in your back pocket!” 😉 You’ve got this, Holly! So let me know how it goes on Monday! Hugs.


Aw, Holly, you’re so sweet. It’s my pleasure to help you. And honestly, sometimes I think I was spared to be able to continue being a ‘helper’…I seem to have been one all my life.
I know you’re going to be just fine on Monday and the days following. As I always tell my daughter when she’s facing a day filled with unpredictability, “You’re not alone, I’ll be in your back pocket!” 😉 You’ve got this, Holly! So let me know how it goes on Monday! Hugs.

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Dear Lori,
I am so very grateful to have you volunteer to be my helper. With your expertise and your gift of clear, accurate communication I can only imagine how many of us you have helped ! Honestly, everything you say makes sense to me and is so easy to understand. And now, especially with your positive energy on my wrist, I can not possibly fail. I received a call early this morning that the oral surgeon is fine with my diagnosis of Shingles and we are all set to proceed on Monday. Just as you predicted.
Bless you,
I will keep you posted,


Dear Lori,
I am so very grateful to have you volunteer to be my helper. With your expertise and your gift of clear, accurate communication I can only imagine how many of us you have helped ! Honestly, everything you say makes sense to me and is so easy to understand. And now, especially with your positive energy on my wrist, I can not possibly fail. I received a call early this morning that the oral surgeon is fine with my diagnosis of Shingles and we are all set to proceed on Monday. Just as you predicted.
Bless you,
I will keep you posted,

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Holly, this is the best news! I’m so happy you can go ahead with this much anticipated and, at the same time, dreaded, event! How’s that for a statement! 😅
I know you’ve been through a great deal of angst in making the decision to have this denture completed and worry for the possibility of complications while on Reclast…I just feel you’re going to do great with all of this and come out with a new, gorgeous smile, to boot! I’ll be right there with you in spirit Monday. Remember to breathe…☺️ Sending a hug…cuz you can imagine I’m a big hugger!


dear Lori,
Yes, as you correctly understand, I am most anxious at this point to just have this experience over so I can begin the process of healing etc. However, very early Friday morning, the dentist office manager called me to tell me that the doctor would not be in his office on Wednesday June 19th for my appointment that was scheduled 48 hours after the extraction. I was given the choice of rescheduling the apt for Thursday June 20th. I was finally able to get them to agree to seeing me on Tuesday June 18th, the day after the extraction and then if I need to return, that I can return on Thursday. It did not make sense to wait until Thursday to see the dentist. I was given a 3 pm apt on Tuesday, and then later today I received a text that said I had an 11am apt on Tuesday. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that things are hectic after the doctor returning from Italy, but I have to admit it is unnerving. Do you agree that it was important to make the first apt after the extraction earlier rather than wait until Thursday ? Especially since the office was going to be closed on Wednesday ! She did promise me that I could return on Thursday and or Friday also. But we shall see. Thank you for being there for me to review this latest situation.
I'm loving your hugs, and I'm trying to remember to breathe.
God Bless you !


dear Lori,
Yes, as you correctly understand, I am most anxious at this point to just have this experience over so I can begin the process of healing etc. However, very early Friday morning, the dentist office manager called me to tell me that the doctor would not be in his office on Wednesday June 19th for my appointment that was scheduled 48 hours after the extraction. I was given the choice of rescheduling the apt for Thursday June 20th. I was finally able to get them to agree to seeing me on Tuesday June 18th, the day after the extraction and then if I need to return, that I can return on Thursday. It did not make sense to wait until Thursday to see the dentist. I was given a 3 pm apt on Tuesday, and then later today I received a text that said I had an 11am apt on Tuesday. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that things are hectic after the doctor returning from Italy, but I have to admit it is unnerving. Do you agree that it was important to make the first apt after the extraction earlier rather than wait until Thursday ? Especially since the office was going to be closed on Wednesday ! She did promise me that I could return on Thursday and or Friday also. But we shall see. Thank you for being there for me to review this latest situation.
I'm loving your hugs, and I'm trying to remember to breathe.
God Bless you !

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Hi Holly, it’s a great idea to take the earlier appointment the day after your extractions. I think this will go a long way in easing your anxiety by not having to wait 3 days before you have a followup. Plus, as the office manager mentioned, you can make repeat trips during the week should you need them.

If you received a text for your appointment for 11:00 Tuesday, I’d go with that one since it has to be in the data base/appointment log for that time in order for you to get the automatic text. Hang onto the text for confirmation. Though, you’ll most likely get another the day before your appointment as well.

Hehe. I’m glad you’re remembering to breathe and exhale! Oh, that reminds me of one of my favorite ways to recenter my thoughts if they start running amok… picture a little box. Then inhale slowly 4 seconds while you imagine your finger drawing up one side…draw across the top while holding your breath 4 seconds. The exhale down the other side of the box and hold again for 4 seconds while you draw across the bottom. Then repeat! Give it a try!🤗


Dear Lori,
Thank you again for your guidance. Yes ! I asked repeatedly, if I could come in for dental appointments later in the week if I needed attention.
I appreciate the breathing exercise !
I promise to keep you updated !
God Bless you,


Hi Holly, it’s a great idea to take the earlier appointment the day after your extractions. I think this will go a long way in easing your anxiety by not having to wait 3 days before you have a followup. Plus, as the office manager mentioned, you can make repeat trips during the week should you need them.

If you received a text for your appointment for 11:00 Tuesday, I’d go with that one since it has to be in the data base/appointment log for that time in order for you to get the automatic text. Hang onto the text for confirmation. Though, you’ll most likely get another the day before your appointment as well.

Hehe. I’m glad you’re remembering to breathe and exhale! Oh, that reminds me of one of my favorite ways to recenter my thoughts if they start running amok… picture a little box. Then inhale slowly 4 seconds while you imagine your finger drawing up one side…draw across the top while holding your breath 4 seconds. The exhale down the other side of the box and hold again for 4 seconds while you draw across the bottom. Then repeat! Give it a try!🤗

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Hi Lori ( volunteer)
I’m writing in hopes you can help me too. I just ended my Evenity on May 20, and need 3 teeth to be pulled and either a partial or an implant put in. The oral surgeon says my bones in my mouth aren’t the greatest & he would have to a graft( not sure what that is) He recommends the partial ( fake tooth I think) as it’s faster & cheaper…I was advised to get in reclast. The surgeon and dentist don’t know much about Osteo meds. Would you please give your insights to me for timing? ( how long can I wait? ) The endo is saying better do it soon…I’m scared …what advice about when to do the teeth and how long can I hold off on reclast ? Is forteo possible for a while ( not so many side effects )
Any experience, knowledge is appreciated.


Hi Lori ( volunteer)
I’m writing in hopes you can help me too. I just ended my Evenity on May 20, and need 3 teeth to be pulled and either a partial or an implant put in. The oral surgeon says my bones in my mouth aren’t the greatest & he would have to a graft( not sure what that is) He recommends the partial ( fake tooth I think) as it’s faster & cheaper…I was advised to get in reclast. The surgeon and dentist don’t know much about Osteo meds. Would you please give your insights to me for timing? ( how long can I wait? ) The endo is saying better do it soon…I’m scared …what advice about when to do the teeth and how long can I hold off on reclast ? Is forteo possible for a while ( not so many side effects )
Any experience, knowledge is appreciated.

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Hi @sando, I’m just going to be upfront with you right away. I have no personal experience with any of the bone loss drugs so I can’t comment on what your next step is concerning your meds. Actually, no one in the forum would be able to do that for you. 😉 We can share our personal experiences and use our knowledge to help out…but not to diagnose or treat. That’s a discussion you need to have with your doctor or endocrinologist. With my 30+years experience in the dental field I feel comfortable with talking a little about dental procedures while taking osteo drugs.

It’s a bit of a shock that your dentist and oral surgeon don’t know much bone loss drugs. They’ve been on the market for years. There are many seminars and papers on these drug for dental professionals because they can complicate surgeries and dental treatments. Bisphosphonate drugs like Evenity may impact the normal reparative process of the bones which can be risky for procedures such as surgical tooth extractions, implants, and bone grafts.

In your case, with your oral surgeon suggesting that the bone support in your mouth ‘isn’t the greatest’ I’m concerned that it may not be in your best interest to have a bone graft done with just getting off the Evenity treatments. The risk of failure of the graft might be elevated.
So his suggestion of having the 3 teeth removed and replaced with a partial would be the more practical of the options. Then after about 6 to 8 weeks of healing, you’d be able to start your Reclast with your doctor’s ok. Also, with a partial, you wouldn’t have to wait to start the tooth replacement process. As soon as the gums are healed you could start with the impressions to make the partial denture and have that completed relatively quickly.

I’m expecting with your oral bone loss that the remaining teeth wouldn’t be complicated removals. To minimize the risk of infection your oral surgeon may have you rinse right before the procedure with an antibacterial mouth rinse such as Chlorhexidine. You may ask if you’ll need a prophylactic treatment of antibiotics as well. If you’re having issues with these teeth, such as periodontal disease which can harbor bacteria, then having the teeth removed now is better than waiting.

Having a partial denture made to replace your teeth might be a better fit for you without having to worry about the cost, time involvement and bone consideration for implantation.
Talk this over with your dentist and get estimates for both.
What are you most concerned about?


Dear Lori,
Thank you again for your guidance. Yes ! I asked repeatedly, if I could come in for dental appointments later in the week if I needed attention.
I appreciate the breathing exercise !
I promise to keep you updated !
God Bless you,

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Well, Holly???? How’d it go today for you? Thought about you all day. 🤗

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