← Return to Estrogen/Progestrone medication & DCIS Stage 0 Grade 3 diagnosis

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Welcome to Mayo Connect
You're in same situation many of us have been, you are getting information and trying to digest all of it.

There is lot of imaging options, and the provider orders the one that is appropriate in your situation. Same with surgery, different options. In my case, a MRI with contrast was done once biobsy confirmed cancer. I never had a mammogram with contrast. You can definitely can ask your provider why he recommend mammogram vs MRI.

On your question about Dotti patch and Prometrium , I am not sure you will ever know if that had any impact on you having cancer.

Do not be pressured or rush into a decision about surgery type. It is best to go into appointment with list of questions, listen to the options, ask your questions and then take time to think about.

There has been previous discussion about questions to ask .
The American Cancer Society has very long list of possible questions, all do not apply to you but you might want to pick out the ones your most concern about.

I would definitely ask about genetic testing and lymph node involvement because they may affect your decision on type of surgery and follow on treatment.

If not sure after talking to surgeon, you can always can get an 2nd opinion.

Do you have someone to go to appointment with you? Another set of ears helps.

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Replies to "@badkitty Welcome to Mayo Connect You're in same situation many of us have been, you are..."

If your testing shows your cancer is hormone positive, you can have an Oncotype DCIS done which will help guide treatment. People who take hormones get cancer, and people who don't take hormones get cancer. No way to know and I hope you are not feeling regret.

You will probably do well once you have answers and a plan. I am 9 years out from a grade 3 invasive cancer that invaded my lymph vessels. Keep coming back with questions that can hlep you with your doctor!

My husband will be attending my appointments from here on out. I did find a comprehensive list of questions to ask and have printed it off, weeding out the questions that are not applicable to me. Before I go in for the mammo with contrast I was hoping to know why it was preferred over the MRI. The answer from my contact at Mayo was “this is what the doctor requested”. Not real helpful. But…. I will trust the process. Thank you for responding I do appreciate it!