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Nerve damage after spine fusion

Spine Health | Last Active: Jun 14 8:47am | Replies (13)

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Bursitis is painful. My recent hip MRI has shown bilateral gluteal tendinapathy and high grade partial hamstring tears. It is hard to walk but told PT will help increase strength and help with healing (have chronic weakness/pain). I am so weakened due to my spinal issues it is causing a domino effect.

I was also told my recent cervical MRI showed no issues and surgery/titanium cage looks good and “no issues” despite my returning symptoms. I need to get updated EMGs to see how my brain/CNS/PNS are communicating signals to my arm/leg muscles which may also show where radiculopathy continues to send neurological signals and symptoms.

Take a look at these nerve maps to see what levels of your spine affect certain body parts/cause symptoms.

1. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.GCyAml-dCqFi2RJFz0hydAHaHE%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=cc981d14bcdf5c72fc065d517a71d76ad39db33d7dfb0b06ab72c7c719d9fb87&ipo=images

2. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.0NT98KLgcEER5vyUg91D1gAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=515ed094b935ee2f53ddad570150f945f74217dccec74235f2a4ca54e8cf50da&ipo=images

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Replies to "@sbtheplumber1 Bursitis is painful. My recent hip MRI has shown bilateral gluteal tendinapathy and high grade..."

Soft tissue: Normal surrounding soft tissue/paraspinal muscles.
Bones: No fracture; no vertebral height loss. Transitional S1 vertebral body (Castellvi IIIb). Stable remote postsurgical changes with solid fusion at L3-L4. More recent L5 laminectomy, interbody graft placement L5-S1 with bilateral posterior rod and screw fixation L5-S1-S2, also unchanged. Surgical hardware is intact. No lucencies are appreciated around the fixation screws. Gas is present within the intervertebral disc space at L5-S1 reflecting micromotion. Solid fusion of L5 and S1 is not identified.
Alignment: Anatomic.
Discs, Spinal canal, Foramen:
T10-T11 through L2-L3: The spinal canal is not narrowed. The foramina are not narrowed.
L3-L4: Mild disc bulge. Bilateral facet degeneration. Mild spinal canal narrowing. Moderate bilateral foraminal narrowing L4-L5: Remote postsurgical changes with solid fusion. The spinal canal is not narrowed. Mild bilateral foraminal narrowing. L5-S1: More recent postsurgical changes with findings of pseudoarthrosis. The spinal canal is not narrowed. Moderate left
and mild right foraminal narrowing.
S1-S2: Transitional S1 (Castellvi IIIb). Rudimentary disc. Hypoplastic facets. The spinal canal is not iscs, Spinal canal, Foramen:

foramina are not narrowed.
Sacrum: No acute abnormality of included sacrum.
Additional comments: None.
1. Transitional S1 vertebral body (Castellvi IIIb).
2. Postsurgical changes at L5-S1 with findings of pseudoarthrosis. 3. Remote postsurgical changes at L4-L5 with solid fusion.