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Autoimmune diagnosing problem

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jan 29, 2022 | Replies (223)

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I have been sitting here reading all this, and I am equally saddened and in disbelief. I share so many symptoms, I can't believe it. I was fine until January of this year. Had multiple symptoms, all at once. Headache, eye blurriness and discomfort, neck and back pain, tinnitus in right ear, chest pain and heart palpitations, digestive issues, no appetite, weight loss, constipation, pins and needles in extremities, muscle pain and weakness in arms, legs, hands, and feet, dry skin, different spots on skin, and over the past few months, major hair loss. Add menopause symptoms to this, and I feel like I have been poisoned and dying sometimes. I have been to the ER 3 times regarding the chest pain, had tests and scans done, all ok. Saw cardiologist, had chest ct done, looked normal. Was diagnosed from hospital with Gerd and gallstones, had gallbladder removed in March. This solved zero of my issues, and I feel has actually made new symptoms, and made others worse. I've been to two different gps, a cardiologist, a urologist, a gynecologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, an optometrist, and rheumatologist. Have had all the tests and procedures, and have no answers. My ANA has been positive four times, but other inflammatory markers are good. Also seeing hematologist for blood monitoring. I have an upcoming D&C scheduled for a fluid filled cyst or deposit in my uterus, and also a ct scan of abdomen/pelvis this Friday. So far, I have been given antidepressants, gabapentin, nexium, multiple antibiotics for recurrent Utis, Plaquenil, even though I'm not formally diagnosed with lupus, and metoprolol for HBP. I take supplements, when I can tolerate them, as I have daily nausea. I also get anxiety and panic attacks, and was just recently prescribed Lorazepam, to take as needed. I had to beg to get them, as doctors don't want to prescribe them anymore. To date, the Lorazepam is the only medicine that gives me any relief from this madness. Can't explain it, but it's true. Not one doctor has any inkling of what's happening, but I am desperate for answers! I am coming up on an almost 50 lb. weight loss! Very frightened and tired of being sick!

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Replies to "I have been sitting here reading all this, and I am equally saddened and in disbelief...."

Hi, Clearly something happened but were all of these changes abrupt or did they develop over a prolonged period of time?
So your ANA is normal now?
Which "other inflammatory markers" have you had checked? Just a note that most tests for autoimmune markers don't directly relate to inflammation. CRP and ESR are usually enough for that.
You don't mention thyroid tests but I assume that those were done. How about anti thyroid antibodies, as in TPO?