← Return to My Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT/SCT) story: Will you share yours?

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I am at Day 63 post-transplant. I finally got back to work today. I will review with HR at the end of the month for the future.
I do not have disability at work, so I finished every medical hour i received. 2 Months' worth of time.
Let me say I had my weekly checkup today. I saw my usual NP. the Dr I do not see as often. I suppose i see him every few weeks.
I am doing well so far. The NP says very stable and very good at this time. My red blood products are just under the minimums. White cells, Platelets and Neutrophil's are good. Those they are most concerned with. I have another bone marrow biopsy at 100 days. We will then see if my donor remains 100% of me. I sure hope so.
I am so grateful I got to have this transplant at this time. My friend as my caregiver at her house, my older brother and sister carry for my house and cats. My sister gives my brother direction. Older sisters. Sometimes bossy. I say nothing as I could never have had this transplant without all 3 of these people.
I hope all people with MDS have doctors who listen. For me, I had a gene mutation, a pill like Lynparza i took for a year that has side effects with blood. A number of factors. Low-Medium rating for me. I had a very good chance of developing ALS. I did not believe a watch and wait was good for me. We must weigh out all factors. Coming to this site will give you every question you need to ask. Is a transplant necessary for me to lead a long life? What do you want? Above all else, know I will support you at any point on this journey-Katgob

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Replies to "I am at Day 63 post-transplant. I finally got back to work today. I will review..."

Katgob, you are amazing and your recovery is stellar, I’d say! You were wise in pursuing your stem cell transplant before you were in a situation where your health had deteriorated. That can complicate matters. So having this done before your particular form of MDS morphed into AML was a brilliant move. I know you moved mountains to make this happen…to get caregivers lined up and everything squared away so you could have this life saving procedure.

Thank you for sharing your updates with us because your story is very encouraging for anyone about to have their SCT for whatever reason. It’s postiive stories like yours that offer hope to others. ☺️
When you say you got back to work today, I hope that means via computer?

Thank you for this story of good outcomes and hope! You are back at work 63 days post allogenic transplant?? That is fantastic.
My husband was diagnosed with high risk MDS in late November and we were referred to Mayo for transplant consult. We have seen the transplant doc twice and still waiting for pre transplant testing appointments. Your story gives me hope.