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The pros and cons of Prednisone

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jun 14 10:13am | Replies (34)

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I have been on this site for a little over 2 weeks. I have tried to be somewhat vocal on my opinion about prednisone and life hereafter. I just turned 72. I grew up with Asthma. I passed it on to one of my 3 daughters. I always treated it with OTC. I unfortunately came to be associated with steroids when my wife acquired GBM 3 years ago. I am her caretaker. The drug has ravaged her body yet everyone says well just keep her comfortable. She is on hospice. She is on 5 mg of prednisone equivalent. We both have always been active. She is 71. I acquired PMR 2 years ago. Knowing the issues with steroids it was my only savior. But I quickly (6 months) got off. I cannot get my wife off. Inflammation in the brain is not negotiable. At 72 I have plenty left. No other issues in my life. I dont want to be a burden so I need to approach life as responsibly as possible. I am not ready to say there is nothing I can do about it. I want to understand my disease and take steps to continue forward. I dont see living to 100. But I am not ready to accept that its over. There is a normal life after prednisone. It is possible to be pain free and PMR doesnt have to be a shortened life expectancy. Its not like GBM. Cheers to the next 20+ years.

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Replies to "I have been on this site for a little over 2 weeks. I have tried to..."

So sorry about your wife…
You are blessed with many good years with her and must have a lot of good memories. I’m glad you are able to care for her. I feel the same as you about the PMR thing. Hoping to be off prednisone soon enough and maybe do more traveling in our Rv before we can no longer do so. We have been together for 51 years.
Strength and comfort to you as you go through this health journey with your wife….take care.