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The pros and cons of Prednisone

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Jun 14 10:13am | Replies (34)

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Hi Everyone.
I recently connected to this site. I'm a 71 y/o female & I was diagnosed with PMR in Oct. of 23, 7 mos. after rotator cuff surgery. Was my pmr caused by the stress of surgery?? who knows?? I couldn't believe how stiff my hips & shoulders became.
I was started on 50mg of prednisone and was able to taper to 30 mg pretty quickly and am down to 5mg now and have only occasional pain & stiffness in my non surgical shoulder. Thank goodness my primary care physicians assistant knew immediately I had PMR. I'm presently seeing a rheumatologist every 3-4 months for lab work. My labs, crp & esr, have improved significantly on prednisone.
I've remained active, going to yoga and tai chi, which I think have really helped me physically & mentally. I also play tennis when I can. Some people say an anti inflammatory diet helps. Can't say that for sure, but I've tried to eliminate most sugar.
I HATE being on prednisone and will continue to taper. I'd love to just stop cold turkey, but that is not smart.
It's definitely a slow journey but staying positive helps! My mantra is " This too shall pass!" I wish the same for everyone with this diagnosis. Hang tough!

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Replies to "Hi Everyone. I recently connected to this site. I'm a 71 y/o female & I was..."

Hello @judygref, Welcome to Connect. I love the can do attitude! I think we all hated being on prednisone but oh that relief when it works. Slow and easy definitely helps with the tapering, at least for me anyway. My rheumatologist had me keep a daily log of my pain when I got up in the morning along with my dose for the day. When it came time for me to taper, he had me listen to my body. If my pain was significant (a 2 or above on my scale of 1 to 10), then we went a little longer on the same dose or bumped it up half of the last taper down to see if that controlled the pain. I also found that if I overdid any activity that could cause a flare up.

Do you keep a daily log?