← Return to Methotrexate to wean off long term Prednisone for PMR

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Thank you @tuckerp , got back my ESR/CRP results from yesterday. Very very disappointed. ESR is 58 and CRP 31.9. Rheumatologist returns to office from vacation 6/12. My guess is she’ll raise the prednisone. 🤨 I always dread my methotrexate day because it makes me so tired and lethargic. The only thing I can say that change in the last month was my exercise. I typically did water aerobic 3 times a week and due to travel and out of town guests it went down to once a week. I still got in two days of 10k-12k steps. Could the reduction in exercise have raised these numbers ?

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Replies to "Thank you @tuckerp , got back my ESR/CRP results from yesterday. Very very disappointed. ESR is..."

Hard to say. Many have said a night out or change in excercise or gardening, or any number of things. I dont think anyone knows. Maybe the guest added stress. Well you cant go on in pain. I would up the prednisone to where your comfortable and just try to work down again. Its not the end of the world. Just a little setback. You know how to get off and you know about your cortisol levels. So your a lot more educated. My point in your original message was that I dont think either of the RA drugs are doing anything for PMR. Talk to your Dr about switching to something else. They have a couple of PMR drugs now in Kevzara and Actemra. Maybe a different RA drug. Like Humira. But that is not something I know much about.