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Should I take Big 3 + inhaled ARIKAYCE

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Aug 5, 2024 | Replies (144)

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When my ID doctor prescribed Arikayce, he sent it directly to the specialty pharmacy or the manufacturer. I’m not sure which. The specialty pharmacy put me in touch with
The Assistance Fund (https://tafcares.org/), a non-profit that helps patients with high out-of-pocket medical costs. In a two-minute phone call, they asked two or three questions. The next day I was notified that they would cover the cost and I would have a copay of $10 per month. I paid the pharmacy $10 for each shipment. My insurance is somehow involved as well, as it appears on my Part D statement. TAF has a specific list of diseases they cover. MAC is on the list. It’s worth looking into.

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Replies to "When my ID doctor prescribed Arikayce, he sent it directly to the specialty pharmacy or the..."

Thank you, I did see that as a possibility. My ID unfortunately had no clue about what she was ordering. She ordered it from my regular pharmacy and was shocked at the cost. I’ve been put on the “back burner” while she investigates, plus my mother had just died when this all came about. I’m just trying to decide on my next step, another ID or what. This is year 3 of trying to diagnose and treat. Initial diagnosis was allergies and acid reflux after seeing 4 specialist! Next year switched doctors and actually had a culture. Pseudomonas. Over a year of treating and not treating until last September when I begged my doctor to admit me and figure this out. End of December finally got the Mycobacterium Absessus diagnosis.
On my second ID because the first one prescribed Amikacin IV twice a day after an allergic reaction to Imipenem. The kicker was I had to go to the hospital for the infusions and lab work. Who can do that twice a day for months? That is when i asked my PC to find me a new specialist. Liked her a lot, but obviously not a Mycobacterium specialist.
I know MAC doesn’t typically require IV meds, but Absessus does from my extensive reading.
All my other meds for pseudomonas were home infusions.
Sorry to ramble. Hoping someone who has any insight will chime in. Thanks again.