Preventive surgery for Crohn’s?

Posted by akaahm @akaahm, Dec 18, 2016

Hi all,
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease about 15 years ago. The diseased was fairly mild until about 3 years ago where I started having serious flares.. My doctor put me on Entocort (Budisonide) 9mg/day. The drug kept my symptoms under control but each time I tried to taper off the drug the symptoms would come back. I have been on the drug for about 3 years now. My new GI doctor wants to switch me to a new drug Imuran to replace the Entocort. I have done serious reading about Imuran the side effects scare me to death. While reading, someone wrote about the possibility of having a preventative surgery.. meaning that have a surgery to remove the affected area and therefore you don't have to deal with all the drugs and their nasty side effects. Has anyone heard of this approach ? Does it work ?

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Try Hemp CBD, legal in all states if made from isolate from Europe.Very effective in treatment.


Try Hemp CBD, legal in all states if made from isolate from Europe.Very effective in treatment.

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Thanks Charilie, for the reply. Is the Hemp CBD the same as medical Marijuana ? What is CBD ? Three years ago I asked my GI doctor about the use of Marijuana for Crohn's but he dismissed it. I want to revisit this since I have a new doctor. Based on your experience how does it work ? Thanks


I read about your option of surgery. The problem is when you remove a part of the intestines the next part will produce the same problem. If the area is so damaged that cannot be working any more than you will need to remove it. They were going to remove part of my intestines in 1960 do to severe pain that kept me in bed over 3 months. I was 15 years old than and I am 72 now. No one have touched my intestines except for raptured appendix where I asked for a surgeon since 12 days have gone by before we realized what the problem was. I will say no to surgery unless there is no other solution. When Dr Crohn's wrote his theory said the illness impacts the liver but he didn't conclude that a clean liver impacts the disease. I was very fortunate to have learned that in 1960 by being treated by an Italian Doctor who cleaned my liver and I was brand new for 3 years. In my interpretation there are two elements to Crohn's first stress second diet. We don't know how to eat right since we don't understand the liver who is an intelligent organ. Also stress can be minimized with exercise the best medicine for it. As I am learning the liver don't like the 3 whites: flour, sugar, and salt. Every one knows that except me. I have learned it by experimenting with inflammation pain. I have learned the liver loves vegetables specially raw vegetables. By removing sugar, carbohydrates, flour, and any processed foods and drinks I achieved the following: I put Crohn's in remission, I reversed almost type 2 diabetes, reversed triglycerides problem, I stopped over 50 years of acid stomach and reflux GERD, removed lower back pain and other joint pains and neck pains, and regained my memory. All of these just by understanding the liver. The liver talks to us but we don't listen. I used Liver Support Factors pills and it helped but the diet was the main solution. I never knew how damaging bread was but now I understand it. The internet is full of this information but no one is reading it or have problems believing it. I can now understand and prove what people know since I have verified. To make a GI doctor understand this concept is impossible. Also to learn how to eat right is not an easy task. My best wishes to you.


I am on medical marijuana I have PBS aka growths in bile ducts that will lead to liver faliure also during a test Stonybrook a stone was pushed into my pancreas for 6 years before they the doc found residue from stone passing I'm 54 went from 118 to 96 lbs since medical marijuana my appetite has increased I even started weight lifting at the gym I find out that it curbs my constant nausea better than pain meds and gained weight I suggest anyone with GI problems might benefit from med marijuana but we are all different good luck when or if you get your card do not buy a lot from dispensers try it first ,God Bless and good health to all


I am on medical marijuana I have PBS aka growths in bile ducts that will lead to liver faliure also during a test Stonybrook a stone was pushed into my pancreas for 6 years before they the doc found residue from stone passing I'm 54 went from 118 to 96 lbs since medical marijuana my appetite has increased I even started weight lifting at the gym I find out that it curbs my constant nausea better than pain meds and gained weight I suggest anyone with GI problems might benefit from med marijuana but we are all different good luck when or if you get your card do not buy a lot from dispensers try it first ,God Bless and good health to all

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Thank you Deena so much for your reply and encouragement. I will try to convince my doctor to write me a prescription to try it out. Do you have any knowledge if it has an anti-inflammatory effect ?


I read about your option of surgery. The problem is when you remove a part of the intestines the next part will produce the same problem. If the area is so damaged that cannot be working any more than you will need to remove it. They were going to remove part of my intestines in 1960 do to severe pain that kept me in bed over 3 months. I was 15 years old than and I am 72 now. No one have touched my intestines except for raptured appendix where I asked for a surgeon since 12 days have gone by before we realized what the problem was. I will say no to surgery unless there is no other solution. When Dr Crohn's wrote his theory said the illness impacts the liver but he didn't conclude that a clean liver impacts the disease. I was very fortunate to have learned that in 1960 by being treated by an Italian Doctor who cleaned my liver and I was brand new for 3 years. In my interpretation there are two elements to Crohn's first stress second diet. We don't know how to eat right since we don't understand the liver who is an intelligent organ. Also stress can be minimized with exercise the best medicine for it. As I am learning the liver don't like the 3 whites: flour, sugar, and salt. Every one knows that except me. I have learned it by experimenting with inflammation pain. I have learned the liver loves vegetables specially raw vegetables. By removing sugar, carbohydrates, flour, and any processed foods and drinks I achieved the following: I put Crohn's in remission, I reversed almost type 2 diabetes, reversed triglycerides problem, I stopped over 50 years of acid stomach and reflux GERD, removed lower back pain and other joint pains and neck pains, and regained my memory. All of these just by understanding the liver. The liver talks to us but we don't listen. I used Liver Support Factors pills and it helped but the diet was the main solution. I never knew how damaging bread was but now I understand it. The internet is full of this information but no one is reading it or have problems believing it. I can now understand and prove what people know since I have verified. To make a GI doctor understand this concept is impossible. Also to learn how to eat right is not an easy task. My best wishes to you.

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Thank you healthserach so much for your reply. Very helpful remarks. Just curious, how did the Italian doctor clean your liver ?? how its done ?


Vegetables are anti inflammation better than most medications. I can now eat an item that sets inflammation and make me a smoothie with raw vegetables and within less than an hour my inflammation pain stops. Food starts inflammation but to accept that is very difficult but looking for a pill it is easy. The impact of a diet is more powerful than any medication positive or negative. Good luck to you.


I read about your option of surgery. The problem is when you remove a part of the intestines the next part will produce the same problem. If the area is so damaged that cannot be working any more than you will need to remove it. They were going to remove part of my intestines in 1960 do to severe pain that kept me in bed over 3 months. I was 15 years old than and I am 72 now. No one have touched my intestines except for raptured appendix where I asked for a surgeon since 12 days have gone by before we realized what the problem was. I will say no to surgery unless there is no other solution. When Dr Crohn's wrote his theory said the illness impacts the liver but he didn't conclude that a clean liver impacts the disease. I was very fortunate to have learned that in 1960 by being treated by an Italian Doctor who cleaned my liver and I was brand new for 3 years. In my interpretation there are two elements to Crohn's first stress second diet. We don't know how to eat right since we don't understand the liver who is an intelligent organ. Also stress can be minimized with exercise the best medicine for it. As I am learning the liver don't like the 3 whites: flour, sugar, and salt. Every one knows that except me. I have learned it by experimenting with inflammation pain. I have learned the liver loves vegetables specially raw vegetables. By removing sugar, carbohydrates, flour, and any processed foods and drinks I achieved the following: I put Crohn's in remission, I reversed almost type 2 diabetes, reversed triglycerides problem, I stopped over 50 years of acid stomach and reflux GERD, removed lower back pain and other joint pains and neck pains, and regained my memory. All of these just by understanding the liver. The liver talks to us but we don't listen. I used Liver Support Factors pills and it helped but the diet was the main solution. I never knew how damaging bread was but now I understand it. The internet is full of this information but no one is reading it or have problems believing it. I can now understand and prove what people know since I have verified. To make a GI doctor understand this concept is impossible. Also to learn how to eat right is not an easy task. My best wishes to you.

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The Doctor prescribed supplements in the form of shuts: Methionine (now a discontinued supplement), vitamin B-12, and vitamin K. Liver cleaning is dangerous since it impacts the veins. But in my case it was better than Crohn's pain impact. The Liver Support Factors pills have Methionine in it but many other good supplements. Also I learned Alpha Lipoic Acid does a similar cleaning used for Neuropathy extensively in Russia according my doctor. For me the most healing is a good diet. I am so impressed how my body removed so many illnesses with proper diet in such a short time.


I had an ileocolectomy in ‘92. I regret it. Reason: it can’t cure CD and creates new problems.


I'm not a doctor, all I can say is that my husband was put on Imuran in 1995 after a flu shot (I believe) caused him to suffer diverticulitis and Crohn's and he had severe runs which he could not control. When the doctor said that a bag was the only alternative, and he refused having his bowel removed, they put him on Imuran. In 2008 he got cancer and when his doctor saw the biopsy results (and we were present) the doctor said "I knew the Imuran would cause cancer."

My husband could not tolerate the chemotherapy, one round and he had to be hospitalized for 2 weeks in isolation because his bone marrow quit producing blood cells and white corpuscles - he nearly died. Checking on line for alternatives to chemotherapy we found the Gerson diet, I purchased the book and we followed the diet of lots of organic fruits and vegetables (no processed sugars, milk products, processed foods, low salt, supplements including potassium, ets) plus he did enemas of vitamin E, probiotics, and extra virgin olive oil (this was for the runs) at his 6 month PET scan, he was free of the cancer and was also relieved of the symptoms of Crohns - no more runs. -

It might be prudent of you to get a naturopath doctor to oversee your progess and perform blood tests and do blood work to see that you get all the necessary supplements.

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