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Good for you. She is toxic to you guys, yes even the father she’s trying to “help “ I can tell what I read from you an estate lawyer is the best thing you can do for yourselves. (. I just noticed that you said he passed away) my condolences to you. Do not give her anything although it’s up to if you feel she could get money or the house. She’s manipulating you. I’m glad you see her for what she is .
You have to get to the point of giving her the lawyers card if she continues to abuse an elderly person. She could criminally be charged for abusing an elderly person.
You don’t need to go that far if you don’t want to but remember, you are in control.
Giving her the lawyers card is the best thing to do! I’d love to see her face. She knows you have a lawyer by his telling her to put everything back that she stole from you. Give it to him/her to deal with you. Sounds like you’re aware of what she’s doing. Just get a bunch of the lawyers cards and give her one each time she’s begging you to give her the house or any assets.
Good luck getting rid of this unacceptable situation.

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Replies to "Good for you. She is toxic to you guys, yes even the father she’s trying to..."

Hi Andy - No Hubby, that the Lord, is still alive. That incident was how she was working an elderly, now deceased, lonely neighbor of hers out of his property. The cooking part was that she would occasionally send over left-overs.

I clarification, the fact that the matter of where his property was going when he passed even came up speaks volumes. She was pushing at it. That is what I am trying to express about her lack of character.

Is hubby on the same page as me? He is scared because he is having heart problems. Every time he feels his heart has skipped a beat, real or imagined, he wants to run to ER. And a few times we have.

He is venerable in his current condition and thus her talking to him about his will, changing his will, who is executor etc, disturbs me. If I may be quite frank, Hubby (and we have been married now over 30 years) did not have the proverbial pot when he met me, which is why I never comingled funds.
We put together a decent savings together through our marriage, but the lions share was mine to begin with. Hence all her questions to me about I comingled funds, how was the house titled... etc.

WE have wills, but they are quite old and need to be updated. My concern is the manipulation by her fake show of concern the last few weeks. I am going to have to bite the bullet and come right out and tell the lawyer that I am concerned about this daughter trying to get his portion of house etc. Hubby is not going to like that. He so wants to leave his kids money, but me first. We earned what he accumulated together.

As my Mom told me when he first asked me to marry him, there are a lot of bad guys out there, drunks, abusers, cheaters, etc. He is none of those, he is a good man, moral, steady worker, paid his child support etc. (which is one reason he didn't have much). Just not to mingle my money and property from before I met him.