Unexpected trigger for flare of microscopic colitis

Posted by pb50 @pb50, May 3 5:46pm

After 7 months of house arrest due to diarrhea, Yersenia and C-Diff infections, i was diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis, Collagenous type in early 1923. After 12 weeks of a colon-specific steroid called Budesonide, life was normal. I did experiment with the four major known medication triggers - all of which I had taken for years (SSRIs, PPIs, NSAIDs, and Statins) and learned through trial and error that i am affected by NSAIDs but not the others. Thats a tough drug to avoid with multiple forms of arthritis, but I would avoid anything to avoid MC.

AND THEN .. two weeks ago i had cataract removal - one of two scheduled two weeks apart. Part of the post-surgical treatment are 12 eye drops a day - 4 of which are opthalmic NSAID drops. And over two weeks I absorbed enough to trigger a flare of my microscopic colitis. And I had the second eye done today so I’m in for two more weeks of nsaid drops.
GI Doc says do the best I can with Imodium and just get ton the other side of the eye treatment. If necessary he will give me a short course of Budesonide.

I wasn't expecting this at all - so thought it worth warning people with MC to be aware.

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I’ll look into it, thank you.

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I take Magnesium L-Threonate. It also supports cognitive function. I learned the PhD NeuroPsychologist who did some testing on me also takes it.. I had constipation from the statin I also take in the evening and this resolved it.
I don't know who the man and dog in the pic I see are But when I click on it I see the pic I uploaded of this supplement


That’s even better since I was just diagnosed with MCI. I can kill two birds with one stone~~so to speak ! I took a picture of the bottle behind the little man and dog.

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