Hernia Surgery

Posted by benjiron23 @benjiron23, Jan 10 8:50am

I’m having hernia surgery this Friday and wanted to see if anyone could provide me with what kind of experiences they had pre op and post op. The only other time I’ve been under GA is when I had my wisdom teeth removed but that was years ago. I’m having a lot of anxiety building up before this procedure and am hoping other individuals had decent experiences they’d be comfortable sharing with me. I think the worst part for me is knowing they’ll be putting a breathing tube in me while I’m out.

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Thank you. I’m already having issues in that area so that’s concerning. Thanks for the advice. Glad your surgery went well.


Hello Dave,

For starters, how old are you? I think that plays a significant part in recovery. I’m 30 years old so I believe my recovery was probably better than others that were older. Also, what type of method are they using for surgery? Open? Robotic/laparoscopic? Mine was laparoscopic so it was minimally invasive. The first two days post op were the worst. It wasn’t excruciating or anything like that, but I found it very difficult to find a good sleeping position so I was back and forth from the recliner. I didn’t take OxyContin after the first two days and went straight to ibuprofen. Don’t stress this procedure. These doctors literally perform hernia surgeries every day.

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Thanks so much for your response, that was very helpful, I am 60 years old so a little bit older than you, lol, but otherwise, fairly healthy. I am having laparoscopic surgery. I do play golf about three times a week now and I am concerned as to how long I will have to wait in order to resume what I love. Thanks for the advice regarding the pain pills. I will definitely keep that in mind.



I had no eating issues. Doctor said I had no diet restrictions. I had Chick-fil-A 2 hours after my surgery. My biggest advice is try to avoid taking pain killers as best as you can. The last thing you need is to be constipated after hernia surgery. I recommend getting stool softeners because you DO NOT want to strain on the toilet after getting hernias repaired.

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Am also anticipating bilteral surgery. My preference was non-mesh, Shouldice surgery, but must now swith gears and proceed with mesh. There are options, which include, dissolvable, etc. What type did you receive? How big was it? Did it cover both sides? Have you experienced residual pain? Thxs.


Am also anticipating bilteral surgery. My preference was non-mesh, Shouldice surgery, but must now swith gears and proceed with mesh. There are options, which include, dissolvable, etc. What type did you receive? How big was it? Did it cover both sides? Have you experienced residual pain? Thxs.

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I wanted to follow up on your surgery. How was it?


I had mesh on both sides. My surgeon pre-op said this newer mesh isn’t the same mesh you saw on lawsuit commercials. Take that however you’d like. Sometimes if I twist a certain way I can feel it tug and it may feel a little a bit uncomfortable, but it’s extremely minimal pain. Per my surgeon, the mesh is supposed to last a lifetime and the chance of a recurrence is around 1-2%.



I wanted to follow up on your surgery. How was it?


I had mesh on both sides. My surgeon pre-op said this newer mesh isn’t the same mesh you saw on lawsuit commercials. Take that however you’d like. Sometimes if I twist a certain way I can feel it tug and it may feel a little a bit uncomfortable, but it’s extremely minimal pain. Per my surgeon, the mesh is supposed to last a lifetime and the chance of a recurrence is around 1-2%.

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I believe my surgery went well. I just had it on Friday. Had mesh on left side. Today I am feeling more pain than yesterday, probably because numbness wearing off. I also feeling quite bloated. But overall doing good so far.

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