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Help with understanding test results

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: 5 days ago | Replies (79)

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I am so glad that you finally found an amazing specialist and got long overdue help! It is encouraging to hear about positive experiences in the health field; they do seem to be the exception sometimes. I feel that way about the caring and helpful ENT who made such a difference in my life. Now I am hoping to find an equally caring and competent doc to help with the other stuff.

FWIW I'm beginning to view the symptoms that plagued me from an early age as "different" from the breathing problems I acquired in late 2019. The early symptoms were strange but not life threatening, compared to the later breathing problems which were acute and a crisis. My "best guess" is that I may have been born with some sort of auto immune problem and then maybe got covid, months before it was made public. I guess I have to add "brain fog" to the mix because just thinking about this stuff is as clear as "pea soup".

Yeah, I am retired too and think I would have made it through life "blissfully ignorant" were it not for the 2019 illness, as my early strange symptoms were manageable-especially when I know no different. The possibility of a dx (for the early stuff) really "rocks my world" as I made up reasons of my own, for all the strange symptoms, when it appeared that science had no answers. And now I may have to dismantle my "false beliefs". I sure hope it's worth it!! And, if it proves the "cure is worth than the disease" I may revert back to the "ignorant bliss". LOL

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Replies to "@sadea0208 I am so glad that you finally found an amazing specialist and got long overdue..."

You have an amazing attitude!! At our retirement ages, we've already been through a lot!! LoL
I've ignored symptoms for many things too!! I'm tired of going to the doctor's!! LoL I'm always a puzzle to them! I have had a lifetime of serious health issues!! I'm a professional patient!!
You mentioned long COVID and breathing issues. Our nextdoor neighbor, only 40yrs. old, has battled long Covid for the past year! Breathing issues, terrible fatigue, arythmia of the heart and pericarditis. He couldn't breathe well lying down. He tried to sleep in a recliner.He had a hard time getting sleep. He didn't work for 10 months.
He's now able to work part-time and drive short distances.
He recently went for a short walk, he got so out of breath he called his wife to come and get him. He was close to home. Whenever he tried to stand up from sitting, he would get extremely dizzy!
This is an extremely active guy who worked out every day and has two very active kids!
Initially, he was in the ER three times. They couldn't figure out what was wrong. He was at the doctor's so much.
He was referred to a cardiologist. This doctor diagnosed him with long COVID.
I thought this info might help you. ❤️