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HinSissir10. I felt the fever and nausea the first time on a Monday, felt better Tuesday. Wednesday, next pill day, got fever and nausea again so I went to urgent care (connected to my primary care doc) and they all of the blood work and it showed nothing. Thursday I felt fine again. Friday, pillnday 3, all hell broke loose and not only did I get nausea and fever, but I got extremely weak and dilirious and couldnt function all within a few hours. Tests in the ER showed my kidneys went from creatinine of .5 on Wednesday to over 4 in two days and by the end of the first week it was over 10. They told me I was in acute kidney failure. I was shocked since I had always been in extremely fit condition prior. I was transferred to an acute care hospital where i had a 3 week stay. Two additional weeks of dialysis once I was released. I guess it could have been worse since I was able to get off of dialysis. My ID was unfortunately in the hospital himself at the time and his team did contact me but it was too late. My beef is that there was no warning of any kind regarding reintroduction of rifampin in the literature. I even tried to contact an attorney to try and get that changed but nobody wanted to fight the cause. Guess there wasnt big money involved so they all declined. If it were a class action type of suit they would have been interested I was told. Very unfortunate but either way the best I can do at this point is to warn people when I can about it. I am glad you stopped the rifampin and averted a crisis, though it was enough of a crisis, right? Wish you the best.

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Replies to "HinSissir10. I felt the fever and nausea the first time on a Monday, felt better Tuesday...."

It is extremely helpful to hear some of the sugg shared and great ideas re being an active participant in our tx. I Have one pos MAC sputum, CATs are text book MAC, my symptoms too are indicative of MAC. See ID next Mon. If I do go on treatment , I will take all your recommendations into acct. Weekly blood work at the start and one drug at a time. Rite now on High dose Zythro 500 mg. And no reaction, so it’s the Rafampin I will worry about.