The MRI showed white matter hyperintensities with Fazekas grade 1.

Posted by firelight @firelight, Jun 7 8:49am

The inspection report shows:Bilateral centrum semiovale brain white matter shows punctate abnormal signals on T1WI, appearing hypointense. On T2WI, there are hyperintense signals, and FLAIR sequences reveal hyperintense lesions. No obvious hyperintense lesions are seen on DWI, and there are no hypointense lesions on ADC maps. There is no widening of cerebral sulci observed, and the ventricular system shows no enlargement. Midline structures are centered. Cranial MRA demonstrates the integrity of the cerebral basal arterial circle, with normal course of bilateral middle cerebral arteries, carotid arteries, anterior cerebral arteries, posterior cerebral arteries, and their fine branches, without obvious focal thickening or thinning.

I read online that high signal intensity in the brain white matter can lead to very bad consequences in the future, which makes me extremely anxious. I have a good relationship with my mother, and I'm very worried about her future condition. My mother is 55 years old, and her diagnosis has left me feeling unsettled. This unease is probably exacerbated by my existing anxiety disorder. I've been imagining many sad outcomes, and I'm not sure if I'm overthinking or if the problem is really that bad right now. I would like to ask doctors or other friends for help

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Did your mother have the MRI because she was having symptoms? I had a brain MRI for my ongoing vertigo, it also showed white mater. I’m 66, my doctor said it was normal aging.

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