Anyone have robotic prostate surgery done at a small hospital?

Posted by shep247 @shep247, Jun 6, 2024

First, I am grateful for all the many insightful and kind-hearted responses here since I began posting following my diagnosis in April.

I am 59 and was recently diagnosed with two Gleason 4+3 scores and two 3+3 after a fusion biopsy. PET scan last week revealed it is contained in the prostate with no spread.

After visiting with two surgeons where I live in Colorado Springs, I am now trying to decide which one to go with. They each have 500+ surgeries under their belt. One of the surgeons operates out of a smaller regional hospital but he seems very passionate about his work and research along with having a good track record. The other is at a large corporate hospital which I've been going to for the biopsy and PET scan. The latter has been extremely frustrating to deal with in terms of scheduling, followup and getting lab results.

Frankly, I like the surgeon and the smaller hospital better but wanted to see what people's experience was like using a smaller hospital and how things went post-op?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

My input is the surgeon is key.
Postop was 1 night in the hospital and then discharged.


Agreeing with "michaelcharles", surgeon is key, huge! (unless you want to start over with a provider in Denver. And the big hassle involved.)


My input is the surgeon is key.
Postop was 1 night in the hospital and then discharged.

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Agree 100%. My urologist, who stopped doing surgery, told me when picking a surgeon to have 100% confidence in their ability. Mine did over 1000 RP. I was in overnight, discharged the next day and wore a catheter for 9 days. No incontinence at all! So far my PSA tests have come back < 0.01. My surgeon works out of a network of hospitals in and around Southeast WI. Best of luck in your decision.


I had my RP done 2 and a half years ago. I am a physician and have a lot of contacts at various hospitals including several Centers of Excellence. I did a lot of research about various urologists and wanted one that was very experienced and that I also had confidence in. I talked with around a dozen people (including 3 other physicians) that had an RP performed by him. He used to work at a larger hospital but now operates out of a 100 bed facility. I did ask him if the smaller hospital made a difference. He said "Why would it?". The only thing that matters is the equipment (the same everywhere), his surgical team (been with him for years) and most importantly, the skill of the surgeon. I elected to have him do the surgery. Went without a hitch. Discharged in the afternoon. No post op problems.
Unfortunately, my cancer was a G9 and had extra capsular extension and seminal vesicle invasion. Six months later I had a single met at T8. Again, after a lot of research I have had my additional treatment at Johns Hopkins.
I do not regret having my surgery with that urologist. He did a great job. But, for the remainder of my care I needed a COE.

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