Alcohol Neuropathy???

Posted by purplewillow @purplewillow, Jan 21, 2020

Hello All, I just found this group and I am so thankful to have found this! I am so frustrated with our medical system here is Santa Rosa, Ca. It takes months to get an appointment with anyone.... Please read my story and any feedback or information would be so helpful. So I live in Wine Country, and last year beginning in Oct. 2017, I lost four family members, my baby brother, two sister-in-laws and my best friend just in July 019. I started to drink more and more wine everyday. Sometimes up to a bottle a night. On Jan. 2, 2020 I decided to stop, cold turkey. By the fourth day, I woke up at 3:00 am with stabbing, burning pain going up and down my legs and the bottom of my feet. My calf muscles were so sore as if I had run a marathon the day before. I went in (on a Saturday to a doctor, not my primary care physician), and explained my symptoms and that I had quit drinking just recently. She gave me a referral to have a nerve conduction test and physical therapy. I had blood work done and I don't have diabetes and my Vitamin B-12 level was VERY high, I think because I had taken vitamin B-12 supplements the day before the blood test, but all in all my blood test results were all good. I can't get an appointment for the nerve test until the end of March! In the meantime, I went to my chiropractor and explained everything to him, he said all that nerve pain was from going through alcohol withdrawal. He said I should have weened myself off instead of cold turkey. So, I went home and had a glass of wine and the next day I felt better. BUT, I am so nervous that I have damaged my nerves and I can't get help for another 6-8 weeks. Has anyone experienced this? Could this nerve pain be something else?

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@seanywonton, I share your frustration on not having an absolute diagnosis on what’s caused my PN. When I get any new theories or suggestions, I still run them by my doctors in hopes we can prove or disprove, and at this stage (6 yrs) I’ve about learned they’re running out of things to test that could add any certainty . What I have learned from them and even more from the folks on here with links to articles and research & tons of personal experience, are what things we can do to help make the most of our quality of life having been dealt the hands we have, regardless of how we got here. Many sections in this group talk about vitamins to take/avoid, exercises/physical therapies/therapeutic devices, lotions & ointments, socks & shoes, and diet.
It didn’t take long for me to learn that alcohol added no cure or help to PN, and added nothing but dangerous risk of worsening it, so I chose to drop my social drinking without doing a scientific experiment on myself to see his long it might take to prove or disprove. PN is so different every day, it would be hard to find cause or effect reliably without a very long term study. I enjoyed wine, but have no issue not drinking and being around others. We still host & attend parties and happy hours, I’ll pour and mix drinks. I find I seem to be the designated driver often and seem to be more popular because if it. I’m glad I’m keeping my PN feet able to do that! Anyway, you don’t have to give up everything you like because you no longer drink. It’s a choice as you say. You may never get “proof “ it helps you or hurts you, just like not all smokers get lung cancer, you just have to decide the best for you. If you're looking for any doctor to tell you that they see no harm in drinking beer, I think it would be like telling a smoker to keep smoking. So while I realize you’re wanting them to find something definitive and keep looking so it might discount alcohol theories, you have a good chance of being like most of us here who don’t know our causes after exhaustive testing, so we shift to finding what helps get the best quality of life for both short and long term.

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Sometimes we go looking for the needle in the haystack. We read articles everywhere just for hope. I loved Debbie’s post which she is 100% correct. Yes, alcohol AND cigarettes affect every organ in the body including the brain. People who drink on a regular basis ( every day ) are usually Thiamine deficient which can definitely cause joint and muscle pain. Which then you’ll be giving yourself a B-12 shot monthly. ( ask me how I know ) My first year after being medically retired due to my unsuccessful C-5-C-7 fusion, I became very depressed and became a professional beer can collector. AKA as just another drunk feeling sorry for myself. My body was definitely talking to me that year! Since that year, I no longer drink or even want one. Yes, I’ll be still giving myself a B-12 shot monthly but I will say I feel better both physically and mentally! I thank my wife for putting up with me! When I look at what others here are dealing with, my problem is minimal. I am truly blessed even with the pain!…..David


I had asked my pain specialist if drinking alcohol could have been the beginning of the neuropathy (I never had more than 3 small glasses, usually 1) he (along with other physicians) have told me that you would have to be drinking a huge amount for that to be the issue.
Have you all seen anything absolutely positive about the Loma Linda treatment? So far, I have done low light lazer and acupuncture-still have it!! Does anyone else have a problem taking the meds during the day? I hardly know what my name is if I take them and definitely get nauseated
from them. Still considering Spinal Cord Stimulation - would love to hear from everyone that has had the procedure done and what their opinion is and if it was successful.

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I’ve been told by 2 neurosurgeons and my neurologist to NOT have a Spinal Cord stimulator.
Even though I’ve had a laminectomy and severe neuropathy…I hear more about spinal pain after spine surgery, than before


Why do you think, actually, 3 pain specialists have suggested that I should consider doing it?? How do you deal with severe neuropathy??


Hello @seanywonton. I think the chronic/consistent, long-term use of alcohol is the part where it would be feasible to point to alcohol neuropathy, and likely why your neurologist suggested it.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on this same topic, which you can find here:
- Alcohol Neuropathy???:

Unfortunately, as you know, quitting drinking will not reverse already damaged nerves and neuropathy symptoms. However, will benefit you by not increasing your symptoms and/or making things worse. Regardless if your neuropathy is classified as alcohol neuropathy or not, consuming alcohol going forward could contribute to additional nerve damage.

With that said, congratulations on your two breaks from drinking! I know the challenge of sobriety is day-to-day, as my spouse just celebrated his 10th year. It has required him to change many of his hobbies centered around alcohol and drinking or at least look at doing them differently. For him, it has been worth it 100% and he is the healthiest he has been since his 20s, probably largely in part because he replaced drinking with lap swimming.

Perhaps @pippy023 @texasflyboy @tomm547 and @casey1329 could join you here to share their experience with alcohol neuropathy and what they have learned and the treatment options they are using.

Would it be more freeing to think less about how this came on and more about what choices you can make going forward now that you know you have neuropathy?

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Hi @seanywonton, Yes I am starting to settled into this diagnosis. I have not had alcohol in 9 months and I am on prescribed Vitamins for nerve health such as folic acid and B vits. I also have a nutritionist I am working with. I am in PT 3x wk. to increase balance and strength etc. I have no desire to return to drinking. I am also researching how psychological trauma and stress - chronic, can have a major impact on the nervous system as well but I feel that the doctors, not being trained on this aspect don't pay much attention to it. But I am taking steps toward my emotional hygiene as well. Thank you for your insight.


Hello @seanywonton. I think the chronic/consistent, long-term use of alcohol is the part where it would be feasible to point to alcohol neuropathy, and likely why your neurologist suggested it.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on this same topic, which you can find here:
- Alcohol Neuropathy???:

Unfortunately, as you know, quitting drinking will not reverse already damaged nerves and neuropathy symptoms. However, will benefit you by not increasing your symptoms and/or making things worse. Regardless if your neuropathy is classified as alcohol neuropathy or not, consuming alcohol going forward could contribute to additional nerve damage.

With that said, congratulations on your two breaks from drinking! I know the challenge of sobriety is day-to-day, as my spouse just celebrated his 10th year. It has required him to change many of his hobbies centered around alcohol and drinking or at least look at doing them differently. For him, it has been worth it 100% and he is the healthiest he has been since his 20s, probably largely in part because he replaced drinking with lap swimming.

Perhaps @pippy023 @texasflyboy @tomm547 and @casey1329 could join you here to share their experience with alcohol neuropathy and what they have learned and the treatment options they are using.

Would it be more freeing to think less about how this came on and more about what choices you can make going forward now that you know you have neuropathy?

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@amandajro, my apologies. My reply was addressed to you Amanda. I love this group because I am learning so much. Thank you all!


Has anyone experiencing alcohol neuropathy had IV infusions for a treatment and if so what kind. Also any input on other forms of therapy??


I also was diagnosed with Alcohol Neuropathy. I was really feeling so helpless for a while. I tried all the drugs, chiropractor, TENs, acupuncture etc, Nothing really relieved the major symptoms.
I am here to say that I finally tried cold laser therapy and I swear my symptoms are 80% better. I realized this is for life but I will take anything at this point. I encourage anybody with neuropathy to try it. My laser therapist also has me doing exercises such as spelling the alphabet with my ankles, rolling my foot on a golf ball, wearing toe separators and some other methods that are non traditional.
Doctors won't tell you about this because they just want to keep drugs down your throat. (my opinion only)
The biggest issue, insurance won't cover it.
I hope somebody has had the same experience and care share their story.


I also was diagnosed with Alcohol Neuropathy. I was really feeling so helpless for a while. I tried all the drugs, chiropractor, TENs, acupuncture etc, Nothing really relieved the major symptoms.
I am here to say that I finally tried cold laser therapy and I swear my symptoms are 80% better. I realized this is for life but I will take anything at this point. I encourage anybody with neuropathy to try it. My laser therapist also has me doing exercises such as spelling the alphabet with my ankles, rolling my foot on a golf ball, wearing toe separators and some other methods that are non traditional.
Doctors won't tell you about this because they just want to keep drugs down your throat. (my opinion only)
The biggest issue, insurance won't cover it.
I hope somebody has had the same experience and care share their story.

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Welcome @lpkristen, Glad to hear that you have found a treatment that provides you some relief. Being your own advocate and learning about the condition and what treatments are available is one of the keys to living better with neuropathy. Thanks for sharing what helped you. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list of complementary and alternative treatments that I think also include cold laser therapy -

There are others who have shared their experience with laser therapy in other discussions on Connect. Here is a list of the discussions if you want to scan through them -


I don’t know anything about this really, but I thought an alcohol induced neuropathy would be from years of abuse, like at least 10, not two. But again I don’t know anything. My gut feeling tells me your foot pain wasn’t from abstaining but I suppose if you drank tons of alcohol and had very poor nutrition, you might get a neuropathy. And I also can’t see that quick of a turn around. It’s just my opinion, but it doesn’t make sense to me.


Hi there, I was diagnosed with Small Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy just last Thursday. Numb and Burning toes and feet. It was caused by Alcohol

Prior to the confirmed diagnosis, I and my doctors believed it was caused by my degenerative back disease.

After months of back injections and physical therapy I diagnosed myself and stopped drinking cold on April 19, before my visit with the Neurologist.

I was drinking a lot ..1/2 to a bottle of wine each night. Because I was freaked out about my “back” problem.

Before April 19th, a couple of times in February and March I stopped for a week and my pain was more, so then I started drinking again and had less pain the following week.

Basically the alcohol does its thing and dulls your senses in my opinion.

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