← Return to Started big 3 10 days ago now have low grade fever

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Good morning Ladonnahc. Please be very careful. That is exactly what happened to me when i was "reintroduced" to the big 3, but with Rifampin, resulting in acute kidney failure. I have been extremely healthy all my life until the MAC. Treated for 18 months, clear for a year then it came back. Started the big 3 again, 5 or so weeks into it - started with a low grade fever for a day. Next pill day, the same thing. I left a message for my doc, then the 3rd time taking the pills I got extremely ill, resulting in complete kidney failure. Rare side effect I am told, however there are others on this forum experiencing the same so i dont know how rare. I have since recovered half of my kidney function and feel real good. Rifampin was replaced with clofazimine and I am doing well with it.
Please be cautious and dont make the mistake I did. I should have stopped after the second time with a fever after taking the drug, but I had no idea there was a possibility of kidney injury. Nothing in the literature mentions it. Every day I could kick myself for not stopping the meds until i had contact with my ID. It would have made a huge difference. I hope you start feeling better.

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Thank you so much for your reply. I had bloodwork done and chest X-ray. Labs were normal. ID dr said to stop the antibiotics over the weekend to see if my fever goes down. If it does he said possibly will lower the dose or take MWF instead of daily. I haven’t taken the antibiotics in 2 days now and still feel the same. I’m hoping to suggest switching the rifabutin(mycobutin) to something else if this reaction is caused from it. After a long time with symptoms and positive results I’m desiring to be treated in hopes of feeling better but not liking the side effects.

Rifampin almost killed me. I took it for over 14 months along with the other 2. I started running low grade fevers on the 3 days I took them and just feeling crappy like with flu. Called my ID doctor and he never called back, so I went off them. I got scared after a month and started back on them. That landed me in the hospital for over 10 days with everybody trying to figure out my blood work when I kept telling them about the antibiotics I was on. Came home and stopped taking them, PERIOD! I had the hospital follow up with ID doctor and demanded he return my call. He did and said to take one at a time to figure out which one it was. Guess what? Next day I took the Rifampin and it almost put me in cardiac arrest. 911 was called and I spent my time in ICU. I am off of them all, the MAC is gone and I REFUSE to see that quack of an ID doctor again. I told my Pulmo Doctor, he could treat me for it, if it comes back again but to NEVER EVER send me to that ID doctor again! Scream your head off and the Doctors if you need to. I've learned the hard way to be a pain in their arse.