A year and a half post surgery and in a lot of pain.

Posted by afladland @afladland, Jun 6, 2024

I thought things were getting better but about 4 months ago I started to get a lot of swelling on the outside of my knee. I couldn't walk even a block and it looks like I have an egg sticking out. If I wrap it tight, I can walk a little further but unless I am laying on the couch with my leg, wrapped, iced and elevated it swells so bad I have no range of motion. The pain will move up the front of my thigh if I try to walk on it. I have gained 20 lbs from being immobile which isn't helping matters. I keep going to the Dr. and all he keeps saying is to continue what I am doing. Am I suppose to do this for the rest of my life? I am so very frustrated, I wish I never had this done. I've tried to go to other Dr.'s and they all say the same thing. Go back to my surgeon, once they do the surgery, its their knee. I refuse to go back to him. He was very dismissive, condesending and just plain rude. HELP anyone?

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I am also 1 1/2 years out from my TKR on the right...I still have pain, stiffness and soreness as well. I did do a genicular block which did nothing so it is not nerve. I went to a different surgeon for a second opinion and he did a bone scan and there is nothing wrong prosthetically and no fluid or infection in the joint. Mine is all muscular and for six weeks I did leg raises, heel slides and rode my bike 2-4 miles as well as walking and it helped about 25%. He also fit me with a knee brace that wraps around when I am walking or on my feet a lot. I'm to continue doing all these things but I am so now taking 50mg of Celebrex for a month and he will increase to 100mg if that goes well (can't take nsaids well). However you said that you cannot walk. Definitely get a second opinion from someone because there is something that is not right and going on. If the surgeon is done (like mine was) seek out another surgeon or sports medicine guy in orthopedic who will most likely figure out what is happening. Best of luck to you.


Need to go back and have them test you for metal allergy…that was my problem….they replaced mine with ceramic and now I have no problems!


Need to go back and have them test you for metal allergy…that was my problem….they replaced mine with ceramic and now I have no problems!

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What exact symptoms were you having to make them think metal allergy?

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