
Posted by popolopo @popolopo, Jul 18, 2016

gabapenten has been prescribed for hip pain after my replacement,taking 200mg,3 times a day. Helps me sleep but does not help a lot for pain. Advil works better.

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I'm 77 with both hips bone on bone. Had stem cell procedure at Mayo in March. I'm better than I was & am hopeful of continued improvement. Biggest risk? financial, as insurance doesn't cover. No pain in other hip yet, but will probably have same done sometime soon as preventative maintenance.

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I wear a knee brace to push my knee to have space to get stem cells. (bone<br>on bone) Also, as Dr. was walking out of room talked about getting fat into<br>osteo arthritis to ease pain. Wish I had more info about both these<br>procedures.<br><br>Mari*a*n<br>


I'm 77 with both hips bone on bone. Had stem cell procedure at Mayo in March. I'm better than I was & am hopeful of continued improvement. Biggest risk? financial, as insurance doesn't cover. No pain in other hip yet, but will probably have same done sometime soon as preventative maintenance.

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I've not been x-rayed since the procedure so can only speculate. Will be emailing Dr. in October (6 months post-procedure) to inquire as to the expected time length of regeneration. I'm sure there are countless variables. I've been very pleased with the prompt replies from inquiries sent to Dr. Sellon. Interestingly (for me), I just returned from a 1.5 hour walk (about 4.5 miles). Was limping and feeling discomfort at start, but little discomfort and steady gait after the first 1/4 mile (or so).


I used Gabapentin 600 mg 3x day for about 3 years with Savella (milnacipran) 200 mg day for Fibromyalgia. The combo worked to ease the pain and flare ups but I developed side effects. I was having memory issues and blaming it on fibro fog until I went to a new doctor of pharmacology. The gabapentin was causing the memory loss and also unsteadyness on my feet. He switched me to Cymbalta and I haven't had any problems. When first diagnosed with fibro, I was put on Lyrica and it did not help me at all.


I used Gabapentin 600 mg 3x day for about 3 years with Savella (milnacipran) 200 mg day for Fibromyalgia. The combo worked to ease the pain and flare ups but I developed side effects. I was having memory issues and blaming it on fibro fog until I went to a new doctor of pharmacology. The gabapentin was causing the memory loss and also unsteadyness on my feet. He switched me to Cymbalta and I haven't had any problems. When first diagnosed with fibro, I was put on Lyrica and it did not help me at all.

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In response to sandtoes14 who wrote - I used Gabapentin 600 mg 3x day for about 3 years with Savella (milnacipran) 200 mg day for Fibromyalgia. The combo worked to ease the pain and flare ups but I developed side effects. I was having memory issues and blaming it on fibro fog until I went to a new doctor of pharmacology. The gabapentin was causing the memory loss and also unsteadyness on my feet. He switched me to Cymbalta and I haven't had any problems. When first diagnosed with fibro, I was put on Lyrica and it did not help me at all.

Everyone seems to have different reactions to various meds. I am taking 800 mg. of Gabapentin four times daily without the memory issues (I find that folic acid seems to help in that area) and am getting significant pain relief. I also take Cymbalta which helps with the pain. I am not certain which, if either, contributes most to pain relief. Lyrica resulted in hives for me, so that proved to be a dead end, as well.


Mayo Clinic didn't have a clue about treating my chronic pain. In fact, the Mayo doctor who examined me told me, "Nobody ever died of pain. Just go home and get over it." Fortunately, my local doctor was way better and prescribed gabapentin which has helped immensely. Had I followed the advice from Mayo I would have been completely incapaciated for the past nine years. I am grateful to be functioning normally because of the skills of my local doctor. My advice is to save your money, time, and effort and not go to Mayo, but find a local doctor who actually does understand the pathology of chronic pain.

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@disgusted. Ouch! Sorry to hear about that doc.


Mayo Clinic didn't have a clue about treating my chronic pain. In fact, the Mayo doctor who examined me told me, "Nobody ever died of pain. Just go home and get over it." Fortunately, my local doctor was way better and prescribed gabapentin which has helped immensely. Had I followed the advice from Mayo I would have been completely incapaciated for the past nine years. I am grateful to be functioning normally because of the skills of my local doctor. My advice is to save your money, time, and effort and not go to Mayo, but find a local doctor who actually does understand the pathology of chronic pain.

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I hear you about Mayo. Spent tons of $$ and learned there is nothing wrong with me! She "guessed" I might have chronic fatigue with pain. Duh! Doesn't take a med degree to come up with that! The all time worst diagnosis was from KU Med Center- the neurologist said I was just "fat and lazy"! That was 10 years ago and I still hear her words and tone in my head and see her walk out on me. My personal physician is the only one who understands I hurt and am exhausted most of the time.


Mayo Clinic didn't have a clue about treating my chronic pain. In fact, the Mayo doctor who examined me told me, "Nobody ever died of pain. Just go home and get over it." Fortunately, my local doctor was way better and prescribed gabapentin which has helped immensely. Had I followed the advice from Mayo I would have been completely incapaciated for the past nine years. I am grateful to be functioning normally because of the skills of my local doctor. My advice is to save your money, time, and effort and not go to Mayo, but find a local doctor who actually does understand the pathology of chronic pain.

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I understand what you're feeling. Today I felt the exact same way. Went to a rumatologist who said to me fibromyalgia is a term that Drs. use when they can't figure out what is wrong with you and because "they can't tell the patient they are coo koo". She continued to say that yes she can say that I meet the point rule, but She thought I stopped exercising when I broke my ankle. My problem is I need to exercise. Ok, great. I knew that. What I don't know is why the pain everywhere?


Mayo Clinic didn't have a clue about treating my chronic pain. In fact, the Mayo doctor who examined me told me, "Nobody ever died of pain. Just go home and get over it." Fortunately, my local doctor was way better and prescribed gabapentin which has helped immensely. Had I followed the advice from Mayo I would have been completely incapaciated for the past nine years. I am grateful to be functioning normally because of the skills of my local doctor. My advice is to save your money, time, and effort and not go to Mayo, but find a local doctor who actually does understand the pathology of chronic pain.

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Since they don't know they automatically think that you are exaggerating or a hypochondriac

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