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Hello all.

I am an old guy from KS and single. So a little about why I am here and information I am looking for, I am really new to this. I am in the hospital waiting to have an Endoscopy done to open my pancreas ducts. I had a colonoscopy done last November with an endoscopy. I started having trouble after that and a few months ago was diagnosed with pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Ask doctors to check my pancreas but they blew me off on many occasions. Last Thursday I came to the ER for an INR of 9.0. I had blown all the vitamin K out of my system and pegged my INR. That went down with an IV of V K to 1.1. My range is 2-3. Blood work from ER Doctor came back with a bilirubin of 12. That has been going up by 2 each day I have been here. Seem the right side of my pancreas is enlarged. And the pressure has closed the ducts. I have been on pancreas enzyme replacement meds for several months. I could not get doctors to look at my pancreas until now. They did an ultrasound and cat scan. And there is a fiber's growth in the right (my) side or head of the pancreas that is pushing on the ducts. They are proceeding as everything seems to indicate it is cancer. Oncologist is being called in and I will find out when I go see them later. Another endoscopy will be scheduled for an ultrasound of the growth and then there will be a biopsy done to nail the lid down tight. So this is in the head not the tail and I have read it is not at a place that is operable. Really don't know much now. I have read that this cancer can go really fast. Just looking to fine some information on what to expect. Radiation? Chemo? Is any of those worth the side effects having done? How much time do I have to get things ready for leaving. What are the bad things that are ahead? Any info will help. Thanks.

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Replies to "Hello all. I am an old guy from KS and single. So a little about why..."

First, I will tell you to stay off the internet. Treatment of pancreatic cancer, if you have it, has come very far! Chemo, in general, is not what it used to be. Pre-meds are given prior to the actual chemo which are targeted to greatly reduce the initial symptoms most expected like nausea, stomach discomfort, etc.
IF you receive a diagnosis of Pcan be sure to seek an opinion/2nd opinion at a Pancreatic Center of Excellence. These centers can be found by contacting pancan.org. When you do, they will want to do genetic testing and also tumor testing to provide the best treatment plan. These are very important; you need to know your profile. Think positive, know there is great hope and know there are many survivors as the survival rate is increasing!
Lastly, if your faith has waned; get right with God. Ultimately, He is the great physician and will put the right people in your path.