Possible to have impaction removed and hernia repaired at same time?

Posted by geekygirl9 @geekygirl9, May 22, 2024

I just found out I have an inguinal hernia, and I'm about to have imaging to see whether I have a fecal impaction. If I do, I'm wondering if it would be possible to have the impacted stool removed in the same procedure when the hernia is repaired? I take plenty of laxative already so I suspect that if I do have an impaction it's probably going to need surgical removal, and I'd rather have 1 procedure than 2 if I can. Also, if this is a possibility I'm wondering how to find a doctor who would be willing to treat both of these. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Geekygirl19 I’m a retired nurse and I performed home health care for a long period over my 40 yer career. Impactions are not typically removed during surgery but removed before surgery. You need to have a clear functioning GI system before anesthesia kicks in which slows everything down. Rather unusual for someone so young to be experiencing an impaction. I hope your diagnostic studies find some namers for you. Good luck!


I feel so bad for you. Pushing your colon back thru the opening sounds just like mine...weird huh!! At age 16, I don't remember having any hard bowels. I have read the same info about miralax not being used if: constipation is actually a blockage, not for use longer than 2 weeks, unless dr. says it is ok.
I agree with you, it's given me a bit of anxiety taking it LONG term and in ELEVATED amounts... but like you, what else can we do?
The reason for the 2 X-rays, is the gas in the colon moves up in the colon and gives a more complete picture of what is going on inside.
The Mass: is it on the same side as the hernia, I think it is, but not sure I understood? Was has your doctor said about the Mass? This is the mom and patient talking...THE MASS IS NOT OK, NO MATTER WHAT THE SCANS SAY!!!!
I would do the enema, now. No it's comfortable, yes it's painful. I only use the name brand, FLEET. I layer a few towels on the floor to kneel on, a pillow to lay my forehead on. I put a teeny bit of Vaseline on enema insert, but be careful not to block up the holes. Bend on all fours and insert, squeeze and re-squeeze to get as much of it inside. There will be some left over in the bottle. Then do whatever helps you keep the enema fluid in as long as possible, while still keeping the pain tolerable. I rock back and forth, side to side, I have no idea why this seems helpful to me. When the pressure gets stronger I rock faster, it seems to lower the pressure for a bit. When you do let it rip into the toilet, take a good look at it, look for anything that is odd to you. Keep me posted, if you want to.
I was just in the ER 4 days ago with a heavy fecal load and urinary retention and now I have a catheter I have to carry around for a week +-. If I repeat myself, feel free to tell me I am doing it. Old age sucks, I suggest that you never get old, it's like having a new pain/problem every other day 👎🏼

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Wow I'm so sorry, I will pray for you to feel better! I know being constipated can make it hard to urinate. I hope it gets better quickly! Thanks for the info about the enema. I'm a little nervous but I'm definitely thinking of trying it shortly. And yes, the mass is on the same side as the hernia. My PCP can feel it but can't tell what it is so he's sending me to a G.I. in a few weeks to get it checked out further, and I'll see if I can get 2 X-rays. In the meantime I can do the enema and who knows? Maybe that'll clear it up.


Wow I'm so sorry, I will pray for you to feel better! I know being constipated can make it hard to urinate. I hope it gets better quickly! Thanks for the info about the enema. I'm a little nervous but I'm definitely thinking of trying it shortly. And yes, the mass is on the same side as the hernia. My PCP can feel it but can't tell what it is so he's sending me to a G.I. in a few weeks to get it checked out further, and I'll see if I can get 2 X-rays. In the meantime I can do the enema and who knows? Maybe that'll clear it up.

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Get X-rays BEFORE enema. If you poop out fairly solid stuff and lots of it... you might consider doing a second enema a few hours +-. If you can, get X-rays after enema and several doses of miralax, that will help show you the difference. What size is the mass? Painful: when, how bad, how long the pain episodes last. What is the dr. planning to do about the mass?shelley

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