Constant coughing

Posted by karen10225 @karen10225, Jun 1 1:11pm

Is there any way that works to tame the constant and sometimes violent coughing? I know we have to cough to get out whatever is coming up, but sometimes I just need a break. The cough is beginning to increase my anxiety and depression!

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Karen, I can relate. Lately I was doing the same thing. My lungs felt irritated. I decided to cut back on 7% saline from twice a day to once a day. It's made a world of difference. I'm going to discuss with my pulmonologist. I think my lungs needed the break. And I had been doing twice a day with no problem for years. I'm not saying you should do the same and I don't know what you do for airway clearance but definitely talk to your doctor.


@karen10225 Coughing is definitely a trial with Bronchiectasis and any lung infection.
Can you tell us whether you have an airway clearance routine where you deliberately work for a time each day to get the mucus "up and out"?


Yes. When I first wake up I usually have a productive cough for about 15 minutes. It just happens without me trying. Then at 9:00 I use my saline nebulizer for 20 minutes and that is when I cough up the bulk of mucus for the day. After that I cough on and off all day which always brings up more mucus. Usually that stops after dinner and the evenings are not bad. Then it begins again the next morning. It’s the same every day.


Karen, I can relate. Lately I was doing the same thing. My lungs felt irritated. I decided to cut back on 7% saline from twice a day to once a day. It's made a world of difference. I'm going to discuss with my pulmonologist. I think my lungs needed the break. And I had been doing twice a day with no problem for years. I'm not saying you should do the same and I don't know what you do for airway clearance but definitely talk to your doctor.

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Thanks for the reply. I use 3% saline once a day and that is the only airway clearance I deliberately do. All my other coughing throughout the day brings up mucus as well. About the only time I don’t cough is in the evenings. I would like to use the Aerobika but it just doesn’t bring up any mucus for me. I will definitely be talking to my doctor in July after my next CT scan.


I have found Ricola lemon mint cough drops to help me when I can’t seem to stop coughing.


I have found Ricola lemon mint cough drops to help me when I can’t seem to stop coughing.

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I use the Ricola lemon mint sugar free cough drops as well and they work great. I like the sugar free version because I often sleep with him in my mouth. And yes I know this is dangerous but sometimes it the only way I can get any sleep.


I found drinking very warm water in which I squeeze some fresh lemon and a little honey works for me. If I was going somewhere and I was afraid of getting these violent coughing spells I would actually take a small thermos with me containing this. Seemed it was always worse in the winter months


I use a nebulizer with 3% or 3.5% Saline Solution once or twice a day and I also use a Neti pot following my nebulizing treatment. During the day I use Hall's Honey Lemon Menthol cough drops and they work great. I never go anywhere without my cough drops and a water bottle.


Regarding all the above comments about bringing up a substance all day and removing it from the throat...I also can relate to all that. My confusion ,,,,,not definitively knowing if it is the mucus related to BE it possibly a combination of phglem, saliva, bile etc. etc. As I have mentioned in the blog, I have a hiatal hernia (causing similar and same problems as acid reflux without regurgitation of food or heartburn)) which could also be a reason for the need to clear the throat all day.

Do any of you who need to clear the supposed mucus all day have either acid reflux or a hiatal hernia?


@karen10225 Hi Karen. Have you had a recent sputum test looking for new infections? My coughing escalated to a chronic awful cough. When I finally had a new sputum test done, I had picked up Pseudomonas. It might be worthwhile to request a new testing on your sputum if this is getting worse. Good luck. Kate

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