Night pain: CBD, THC and sleep

Posted by Donald @donfeld, Mar 26, 2020

CBD is ok for pain, but THC or marijuana we're really help your pain as it comes your whole body a table for you to tolerate all kinds of pain as well as helping you to sleep soundly. Try it you will like it.

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I don't want anything with THC anymore. I smoked for many years and am like Obelix who fell into the cauldron 🙂 CBD is fantastic and the products from Weedborn are the best on the market! After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.


I use diclofenac 10% for hip pain and it does very little for me. The pill form called arthrotec is better but is hard on your stumack

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Diclofenac only comes 1-3% gel and 1.3% by patch but not 10% which is not sold in US if sold anywhere at that strength.


I agree,too much THC gives me bad dreams, CBD is good with only a tiny amount of THC.

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Here is my latest encounter with our Cannabis's Distributor today. I always get a cream 1-1 with CBD and THC cream for my feet. Hey, it works for me!! I tell him I have PN and it helps my feet, especially at night. So the clerk says, "We are out of that one." I asked for a different brand, and he says. "I have straight THC cream, it's not a pain killer" ( brilliant) I asked if he had another brand, and he just stares at me. He was in a really bad mood! So another clerk walks by, and I asked her, She finds a product for me and then turns it back over ( for credit) to clerk #1. Clerk #1 gets pissed at me, ( oh I should say "angry",) and grumbles with dirty looks while I pay for the product. Geez!! People! It just happened...I'll get over it..LOL. Just talking...


I don't want anything with THC anymore. I smoked for many years and am like Obelix who fell into the cauldron 🙂 CBD is fantastic and the products from Weedborn are the best on the market! After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.

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Do you still recommend WeedBorn? Just starting our journey to find a product that will help my husband’s neuropathy pain post spinal surgery.


I am in Canada , it is 10% here

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I wonder if we can buy dicofenic 10% in Canada from the states? I did see where compounding pharmacies can prepare a 10% product with a physician prescription. But I doubt if any pharmacy benefit program would pay for a 10% solution since they don’t cover the current prescription strength since it’s OTC 1%.


I began using Voltaren and generics with 1%. I was using quite a lot on all joints and noticed my urine darkening. I have a kidney issue and decided to look for an alternative. I'm from NJ and found some ointments available at the local cannabis shop. I've been using "Avexia" a 1:1 pain relief balm. I like the way it works fast and my urine isn't so dark. I don't feel any side effects from the THC. I just saw another advertised in a Nova shop. It's also 1:1 but has a much better price. I'll be buying some in a couple weeks and I'll post something about the product I buy. O just wish they has a way of applying it to my back. Currently my wife rubs it in and she's never to my knowledge used any cannabis in her 70+ years of life. If she does feel something she's never mentioned it. I use it for joint pain in my back, neck, hands, shoulders and knees. Basically everything. I still use a dose of Voltaren here and there because I have a few tubes I bought awhile ago. I bought it off eBay at low cost no scripts free shipping. If you are using 10%, I can't imagine what my kidneys and liver would say about that much NSAID... not good for me for sure.


You say you’re using a “a lot” of Volteran on your joints and urine is turning dark plus you have kidney disease. Also, hematuria (blood in urine) which may appear orange if diluted occurs in 1-10% of users. Please read this article about Volteran gel so you can be a smarter consumer.

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