Proton Therapy for prostate cancer

Posted by Dogman @speed7484, Jul 14, 2016

Does anyone know about this therapy ?Side effects ?

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You could also take a look at HIFU and FLA. I was about like you diagnosed 6 years ago and chose FLA followed by lupron

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Thanks semeon, but I’m post rp. Isn’t srt or im rt the gold standard


I am not sure about what is the gold standard. Anyway I research a treatment direction for a few months after diagnosis. This is what I did:
Changed to alkaline diet (1/2 tsp organic baking Sosa in water twice a day);
Removed as much sugar as possible from diet;
High dose vit C via IV 4 times a week for 3 months;
12 hyperbaric treatments high dose oxygen;
Committed to Focal Laser Ablation with Dr Sperling in 2014 because it was least invasive, treated in clinic as outpatient done one day check next day then back home no catheter very simple procedure;
Took casodex for 3 months;
Also took METAFORMIN to shrink tumours;
Following this about 3 months later I did the Rick Simpson Oil protocol using marajuana oil for 3 months now just on maintenance with the oil it helps with Lupron side effects and good sleep (8 hrs straight every night).

I believe all the things I did prior to FLA kept me stable. I did go back for annual checks and in 2018 I had another FLA treatment and after that one I had a catheter for 5 days. Dr Sperling did not charge me for the second treatment.

I am stable now under watchful observation PSA .4 and Testo is 7. I have a 3T MRI annually sitting at pyrads 3. And my prostate is now 1/2 the size it was a year ago.


I’m a 3 plus 4 with 6.5 psa. I’m 71 years. Does an6one have an idea of what treatment I might expect. I’m new to site and don’t have video conference till the 9th of December but am anxious about what to expect

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79 yr old PSA 5.1, biopsy showed GS 7(3+4) on 6/14 cores, GS 7(4+3) on 1/14 cores, pattern 4 too small to assign %. Had a Decipher Prostrate Biopsy analysis, which is a genomic test of biopsy samples. Results were the following: 0.66 risk rating which means I am slightly above intermediate risk into the high risk zone, mortality risk in 10 years 9.9%, metastasi risk in 5 years 13.2%, risk of high grade disease 35.3%. My urologists recommended treatmnet because of potential of hIgh grade disease. Father died at 82 from heart failure, the atopsy showed metástasis prostrate cancer, younger half brother was diagnosed with prostrate a cancer at age 62, PSA 65 and 85, had brachytherapy with lots of short term side effects. Had to have a catheter for months. Now seems to be okay. Also had cousin on fathers side that died that died of prostrate cancer at 73. My urologists stated it like this: if you are living for 5 years probably don’t need treatment, if living for 10 years you should consider treatment, if living for 15 years you definitely should consider treatment. Anyhow after all this background I have decide to do the proton beam therapy at Mayo in Scottsdale. I am ver yconcerned about short and long term side effects from the treatment; consequently this has been an arduous mental journey to move ahead with treatment. The people at Mayo are positive about the outcomes so we will see what happens o this journey.


Hi, I saw your post and wanted to reply. I and 74 years old, in otherwise good health, and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. When it was first diagnosed, I was in Active Surveillance for approximately 1 year. My cancer was determined to be low risk initially but a year later it had progressed to intermediate (unfavorable, 4+3) in one biopsy core and 3+3 in a second core out of 14. Since my grandfather died of prostate cancer and my brother also had it and seems to be cured, I pursued treatment. Because of it's potential for fewer side effects, I chose Proton Therapy at Johns Hopkins as they were much closer to my home than other clinics. I finished a 28 proton treatment course in August of 2020. Two months prior to treatment I was given a single injection of Eligard which was good for 3 months. I also took a daily pill of Bicalutimide (part of the Androgen Deprivation Therapy) until the end of proton treatments. The only side effect that I noticed during treatment was a slightly greater difficulty in urinating which was very successfully treated with medicine. Difficulty in urinating has now disappeared. I also had hot flashes and diminished sex drive from the Eligard and Bicalutimide which are now starting to diminish. It has now been 5 months since the end of my proton treatments and I have not noticed any side effects attributable to the radiation treatments. I have been told that side effects can sometimes show up later from radiation therapy but so far I feel extremely fortunate to have chosen proton therapy and hope that my current experience continues. I wish you the best of luck and try not to worry.


79 yr old PSA 5.1, biopsy showed GS 7(3+4) on 6/14 cores, GS 7(4+3) on 1/14 cores, pattern 4 too small to assign %. Had a Decipher Prostrate Biopsy analysis, which is a genomic test of biopsy samples. Results were the following: 0.66 risk rating which means I am slightly above intermediate risk into the high risk zone, mortality risk in 10 years 9.9%, metastasi risk in 5 years 13.2%, risk of high grade disease 35.3%. My urologists recommended treatmnet because of potential of hIgh grade disease. Father died at 82 from heart failure, the atopsy showed metástasis prostrate cancer, younger half brother was diagnosed with prostrate a cancer at age 62, PSA 65 and 85, had brachytherapy with lots of short term side effects. Had to have a catheter for months. Now seems to be okay. Also had cousin on fathers side that died that died of prostrate cancer at 73. My urologists stated it like this: if you are living for 5 years probably don’t need treatment, if living for 10 years you should consider treatment, if living for 15 years you definitely should consider treatment. Anyhow after all this background I have decide to do the proton beam therapy at Mayo in Scottsdale. I am ver yconcerned about short and long term side effects from the treatment; consequently this has been an arduous mental journey to move ahead with treatment. The people at Mayo are positive about the outcomes so we will see what happens o this journey.

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@wrig1jam I was diagnosed in Mayo MN and had the Lupron Shot there but I opted to have the Radiation Oncology in Central Iowa as the Doctor had trained with my Mayo doctor and the Equipment was similar... I had the 20 treatments in a month a year and a half ago .. There was fatigue and some discomfort when they put in the spacers to move the bowel away from the prostate.. but that won't ruin your day.. I have out lasted the fatigue... and hopefully some of the side effects of the hormone shot.... I only had shot one two months prior to the Radiation start which then was every weekday morning for a month.. then a treat at the coffee shop each day.. They did PSA check ups quarterly the first year.. all is well.. now on 6 month check-ups... I am now 83 and intend to live to see our country be a leader again.. Ken


Hi, I saw your post and wanted to reply. I and 74 years old, in otherwise good health, and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. When it was first diagnosed, I was in Active Surveillance for approximately 1 year. My cancer was determined to be low risk initially but a year later it had progressed to intermediate (unfavorable, 4+3) in one biopsy core and 3+3 in a second core out of 14. Since my grandfather died of prostate cancer and my brother also had it and seems to be cured, I pursued treatment. Because of it's potential for fewer side effects, I chose Proton Therapy at Johns Hopkins as they were much closer to my home than other clinics. I finished a 28 proton treatment course in August of 2020. Two months prior to treatment I was given a single injection of Eligard which was good for 3 months. I also took a daily pill of Bicalutimide (part of the Androgen Deprivation Therapy) until the end of proton treatments. The only side effect that I noticed during treatment was a slightly greater difficulty in urinating which was very successfully treated with medicine. Difficulty in urinating has now disappeared. I also had hot flashes and diminished sex drive from the Eligard and Bicalutimide which are now starting to diminish. It has now been 5 months since the end of my proton treatments and I have not noticed any side effects attributable to the radiation treatments. I have been told that side effects can sometimes show up later from radiation therapy but so far I feel extremely fortunate to have chosen proton therapy and hope that my current experience continues. I wish you the best of luck and try not to worry.

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Thx for the detailed response and good news on your outcome. Helps me mitigate my concerns. I don’t know about the Bicalutide and will all about that. What did you take for the urination issues?


@wrig1jam I was diagnosed in Mayo MN and had the Lupron Shot there but I opted to have the Radiation Oncology in Central Iowa as the Doctor had trained with my Mayo doctor and the Equipment was similar... I had the 20 treatments in a month a year and a half ago .. There was fatigue and some discomfort when they put in the spacers to move the bowel away from the prostate.. but that won't ruin your day.. I have out lasted the fatigue... and hopefully some of the side effects of the hormone shot.... I only had shot one two months prior to the Radiation start which then was every weekday morning for a month.. then a treat at the coffee shop each day.. They did PSA check ups quarterly the first year.. all is well.. now on 6 month check-ups... I am now 83 and intend to live to see our country be a leader again.. Ken

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Thx Ken, what age did you have treatment. I am also looking forward to a new area for us all.


79 yr old PSA 5.1, biopsy showed GS 7(3+4) on 6/14 cores, GS 7(4+3) on 1/14 cores, pattern 4 too small to assign %. Had a Decipher Prostrate Biopsy analysis, which is a genomic test of biopsy samples. Results were the following: 0.66 risk rating which means I am slightly above intermediate risk into the high risk zone, mortality risk in 10 years 9.9%, metastasi risk in 5 years 13.2%, risk of high grade disease 35.3%. My urologists recommended treatmnet because of potential of hIgh grade disease. Father died at 82 from heart failure, the atopsy showed metástasis prostrate cancer, younger half brother was diagnosed with prostrate a cancer at age 62, PSA 65 and 85, had brachytherapy with lots of short term side effects. Had to have a catheter for months. Now seems to be okay. Also had cousin on fathers side that died that died of prostrate cancer at 73. My urologists stated it like this: if you are living for 5 years probably don’t need treatment, if living for 10 years you should consider treatment, if living for 15 years you definitely should consider treatment. Anyhow after all this background I have decide to do the proton beam therapy at Mayo in Scottsdale. I am ver yconcerned about short and long term side effects from the treatment; consequently this has been an arduous mental journey to move ahead with treatment. The people at Mayo are positive about the outcomes so we will see what happens o this journey.

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Have you looked a treatment called Focal Laser Ablation or HIFU. The Dr's don't seem to talk about it much. I did the FLA 2 times 2014 and 2018 in NY and Florida. Its a non-invasive treatment which is effective for some patients. I am also on LUPRON and I do maintenance using marijuana oil every night. Last PSA is 0.44


Thx for the detailed response and good news on your outcome. Helps me mitigate my concerns. I don’t know about the Bicalutide and will all about that. What did you take for the urination issues?

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I took Silodosin for the urination issues. It started working within hours of my taking the first pill. I eventually had to be taken off of Silodosin much later as I experienced dizziness when quickly standing erect from either a sitting or reclining position which is one of the recognized side effects. The urination issues disappeared about a month or two after cessation of the proton treatments. I actually had the urination issues prior to proton therapy and was prescribed the medicine in an abundance of caution. One of the nice side effects of my experience with proton therapy is that my urination is now better than it has been in a long time. I understand that some individuals have had the opposite experience.


Thx Ken, what age did you have treatment. I am also looking forward to a new area for us all.

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@wrig1jam I had the Radiation Oncology and Lupron treatments when I was 82 years old.. I am doing well.. now having check-ups every 6 months..K

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