Does anyone have chronic constipation?

Posted by anna17X0X @anna17xox, Apr 11 5:30pm

I don't know what's going on with my digestion ,I have been chronically constipated since December so it's been 4 months. I am always gassy and the smell has been very foul so I've been scared and embarrassed to be around people lately because of how bad it smells, when I've tried to poop only gas comes out most of the time, sometimes my stomach feels stiff and I start to feel lethargic. And I've tried almost everything digestive drinks like meta Mucil, eating more fiber i live an active lifestyle and I drink plenty of fluids and water. I recently had an appointment with my pediatrician about this she made me do colon cleansing for a day . And take Miralax for a minimum of 3 weeks. My stools were watery during the cleansing but after a couple days it feels like my stool is going back to being hard and stubborn. I still don't poop completely sometimes and I'm still gassy but it's not smelly like it was before. She said I can stop taking Miralax when i feel like my stools are going back to normal after a few days or weeks and it's been a week or two and a few days. I know I still need to wait one more week but my follow-up appointment is next Wednesday. The Miralax seems like a temporary fix, I feel like it'' never go away the worst part is I cant figure out what the cause is. I don't think it's IBS because I heard IBS involves bloody stools and stomach cramps I don't have bloody stools and I don't think I get stomach cramps . It just feels like have some other serious digestive problem or something I don't really know. I don't want to be constipated for the rest of my life I feel miserable, my pediatrician said if the Miralax doesn't work as intended I may have to see a gastroenterologists.

Has anyone or is anyone dealing with chronic constipation ?,does it or did it ever go away ? and has anyone been experiencing the same symptoms as me ?.Do you have any recommendations on how they treat their constipation ?

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Hello. You mentioned being seen by a pediatrician. Are you a person under 21 years of age? If so, you may wish to see a pediatrician endocrinologist. When my now 26 year old daughter was in high school she was diagnosed by a pediatrician endocrinologist as having "off the charts" celiac disease. It wad a serious "wow" moment and thr reason for her constant G.I. issues and her missing so much school--truly a parents' nightmare! I am in no way implying that is your situation. Simply a personal rec to see such a specialist if you are a younger person.
I have IBS-C and do not have bloody stools. I have severe constipation, major bloat, nausea, etc. I have tried everything under the sun in terms of OTC and Rx meds. They only serve to bloat me more. Haven't yet found a G.I. doc who wants to solve my puzzle. Needless to say, it has impacted my daily life activities and makes me miserable.

Good luck to you!!



I like my health care team and think they really care about my wellbeing, however…..this is my prediction for the upcoming colonoscopy. Hope I’m wrong, but I suspect it to be normal like the screening one in 2020, except for internal hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Then, perhaps they’ll order more tests. I’ve given them ideas since this started in August of 2022 about what this could be, but they say no. I hope something changes as I really am weary of dealing with this.


anna17XOX -- There is a handout with pictures and instructions from the UK National Health Service that might be useful too. Also try sleeping on your left side.

Have you tried eating a golden kiwi a night (or a green one if you can't find the gold ones)?

And have you considered whether you are deficient in magnesium? Magnesium can soften stool and reduce anxiety too. The body doesn't make it. 65% of Americans are deficient in it.

You will figure it out. Just keep Googling (being curious) and noticing what you are eating and how your body responds.

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i have not tried the kiwi trick because it's hard to find kiwi at any local grocery stores around me but i'll be sure to try it when i do find them in any stores. I haven't considered a deficiency in magnesium but i will see if i am deficient in it.


Hello. You mentioned being seen by a pediatrician. Are you a person under 21 years of age? If so, you may wish to see a pediatrician endocrinologist. When my now 26 year old daughter was in high school she was diagnosed by a pediatrician endocrinologist as having "off the charts" celiac disease. It wad a serious "wow" moment and thr reason for her constant G.I. issues and her missing so much school--truly a parents' nightmare! I am in no way implying that is your situation. Simply a personal rec to see such a specialist if you are a younger person.
I have IBS-C and do not have bloody stools. I have severe constipation, major bloat, nausea, etc. I have tried everything under the sun in terms of OTC and Rx meds. They only serve to bloat me more. Haven't yet found a G.I. doc who wants to solve my puzzle. Needless to say, it has impacted my daily life activities and makes me miserable.

Good luck to you!!


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Thank you,i'll ask my pediatrician about seeing a pediatrician endocrinologist


Hi Anna,
Best of luck, with some observations and trials you can likely work out a deal with your body! My Naturopath helped me with ideas but it his words, "I know you can figure out something that works for you," that really set me in motion to do just that.
Disclaimer: This is only my experience. I choose going natural. I have used organic, integrative, functional, holistic Naturopathic doctor's advice along with my MD’s since the early 1980's.
Good luck. I have tried laxatives and they are not consistent and have side effects like bloating, etc. And all say for occasional use. They disrupt the system if take continuously. I liked a response from a co-redundant colon person: “It’s physical” so regular constipation suggestions may not work.
Last Dec the doc had me do non sedated colonoscopy. He could get through the colon as I watched on TV. I had had a baby years ago (natural and could stand the pain) so figured I could stand it – it was no big deal. Most people in world don't get put out. Very interesting and it helped allow the scope to get through because I relaxed.
Look up Osmotic gradients and Migrating motor complex and consider your electrolyte balance. OptiMag and K2+ Potassium are great supps and be sure to include prunes, squash, sweet potatoes, rhubarb etc in your diet. I like to soak ground 2T chia and 2 T flax seeds in prune juice overnight, then take half in the morning and half at night. Throw sugar out, processed and refined foods and drink lot of water starting with a quart of hot water in the morning - boys scouts. Coffee and Smooth Move are my back ups to get things moving under stress. I don't like coffee but it usually works. Thankfully I only need coffee a few times a month. It took me 60 days to figure out my solution and wow is it great. The best thing is I don't have the mental anguish that I so often experienced dealing with constipation nearly my whole life. I'm soon to be 72 years old. @farmersmith

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So you take two supplements,OptiMag and K2+ Potassium and soaked chia seeds and flax seeds in prun juice to manage your constipation ?.


I had chronic constipation for 3 years. I read about bad gut biome in longcovid people. I ordered a GI Map test (stool sample at home and send back)
My results showed sepsis! Candida and various other bacteria in my gut. Had to take Doxycycline to heal the sepsis and probiotics (similase, berberine and Akkermansia) That regulated my gut and alleviated my constipation!

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Do you know if i can get a GI map test done by a GI doctor instead of ordering the test since it's so expensive.


Hi everyone,i know i should not be seeking medical advice openly from unqualified people but i'll trust your judgement since most of you are more experienced with having Chronic constipation . So do you guys think i should stop taking the colace at this point.I have been taking it for 5 weeks and 6 days now(started taking it april 20th).Again i have stated that the colace is inconsistent it softens my stools sometimes but i still strain but not as much as i used to,sometimes the stool is softer and comes out smoothly and other days i have to strain a bit. My pediatrician prescribed a second bottle of colace pediatrician said to take it for about 3 weeks after my first bottle was empty .i started last week with the second one this is the second week and the next week will be my 3rd week taking the second colace prescription.And i honestly have mixed emotions right now my mom wants me to stop taking it because it's not permanently getting rid of the constipation.A few of you in the comments have shown opposition against taking it as well and I have been debating if i should stop taking it starting tomarrow ,or for a couple days to see how it goes,and go back to taking colace if my stools get harder again .because i took it today and i pooped which is great but, i don't know i just want to see if most of you would recommend i stop taking it or not,or if i should stop taking it for a while to see how my stools will are .


Hi everyone,i know i should not be seeking medical advice openly from unqualified people but i'll trust your judgement since most of you are more experienced with having Chronic constipation . So do you guys think i should stop taking the colace at this point.I have been taking it for 5 weeks and 6 days now(started taking it april 20th).Again i have stated that the colace is inconsistent it softens my stools sometimes but i still strain but not as much as i used to,sometimes the stool is softer and comes out smoothly and other days i have to strain a bit. My pediatrician prescribed a second bottle of colace pediatrician said to take it for about 3 weeks after my first bottle was empty .i started last week with the second one this is the second week and the next week will be my 3rd week taking the second colace prescription.And i honestly have mixed emotions right now my mom wants me to stop taking it because it's not permanently getting rid of the constipation.A few of you in the comments have shown opposition against taking it as well and I have been debating if i should stop taking it starting tomarrow ,or for a couple days to see how it goes,and go back to taking colace if my stools get harder again .because i took it today and i pooped which is great but, i don't know i just want to see if most of you would recommend i stop taking it or not,or if i should stop taking it for a while to see how my stools will are .

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Oh and i think the smelly gas has been coming back gradually because it's been a bit funkier and foul lately,but i haven't really been too gassy though.


So you take two supplements,OptiMag and K2+ Potassium and soaked chia seeds and flax seeds in prun juice to manage your constipation ?.

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I take the 3 OptiMag and 1 K2+ Potassium at bedtime with water + lots of water during the day. I don't take too much Calcium especially before bed because it can constipate. During the night 1 Optimag and 1 K2+ Potassium. First thing in the morning put water on to make I quart of hot water + eat half of the refrigerated overnight mix of scant T of chia and T of flax seeds ground in a coffee grinder. I prep the next days mix using organic prune juice stirred into the ground seeds to make a sloppy mixture. It gels up. Each morning before breakfast along with the prune juice mix I eat one or a combo of the following: cooked cold squash, pumpkin or sweet potatoes; T of tahini; 1/2 cut rhubarb cooked, fresh plums or 6 dried prunes. If I am stressed, worried it won't work for the rest of my life, etc I drink 1 -2 fairly strong coffee. I don't like coffee so most the time I can do without. I resort to smooth move that evening if I wasn't regular. After I knew last Dec. I had a redundant colon, got ideas from my Naturopath, and on line + it's physical it took me trial and error for about 4 months but now I can pretty much count on being regular with my "formula." Avoid sugar, too much starch, eat organic, drink lots of water and avoid processed food. If we grave something often that is something that does our health no good. Thing is I also use a stool to put my feet up on for better posture. When I breath in I fill with air and then gently feel the bowel release if all is good. I started the first month on various laxatives and they just weren't worth the inconsistency and how they effected me. Does that help Ann? Let me know if you get a chance. Trial and error but it is exciting when it starts to really work, what a relief. Take notes each day, time, what you're testing, etc @farmersmith


Do you know if i can get a GI map test done by a GI doctor instead of ordering the test since it's so expensive.

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I would say yes, but call a GI clinic and ask. It may be covered by insurance that way. Or atleast they can prescribe the test kit for in home and they receive the results.
I was seeing a holistic Doctor who doesn’t take insurance, but he carries them in his in house pharmacy and I got a slight discount. He treated me with probiotics but recommended I see my Primary Doc with the sepsis results. He did bloodwork and the sepsis had escaped my gut and into my blood stream! It caused very nasty skin lesions on my feet and buttocks. So yes, the test was expensive but probably saved my life (and corrected the constipation. )And general health.
I forgot to mention in my first post that bad gut biome was found in longcovid cadavers initially. Then others like me also found scary bacteria.
It was my first real step in improving my LC health.
Gut biome testing has recently gotten a lot of positive attention.
Good luck!

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