Fortibone for Osteoporosis

Posted by ninthsib @ninthsib, Mar 28 5:25pm

Have anyone tried collagen with Fortibone for their Osteoporosis? If so, did it help?

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I have been on Fortibone for eight months. I’m also on Evenity - 11th injections this week, eating more bone building foods, gym several days a week, etc.
I will have a dexa in May. If I have improvements in scores, how would I know what part, if any, Fortibone played?

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I can't see how you would. Too many variables.


Check out BONE COACH. I follow him. He was 29 when he found he has osteoporosis. Became a big advocate. I don't think he believes in meds and injection, but for me it was after I was on TYMLOS that probably the best one I had. Within 15 months my DEXA showed spine from -3.7 to -3.0 and hips went down to -2.7. my body felt strong. Regretfully I did not complete 18 -24 months due to increase of out of pocket starting with $1000 a month. Then went to Prolia for one year didn't like the knees and hips ache, I quit that and went to the MOST DANGEROUS RECLAST INFUSION!!!, That was 3/7 on this year...still in pain. I don't think I will take anything for awhile. I will take as they call HOLIDAY from from meds, stick with my vegan diet, take vitamins and just added Collagen powder with FOTIGEL FORTIBONE 5000mg, TENDOFORTE COLLAGEN 5000mg. Not from Bone coach, his prices are high. Bought it on Amazon but I learned a lot from him. And YES ITSY NOT VEGAN...but got to do what I got to do withy BIG PHARMA POISIONING OUR BODIES. Good luck to all of us!. If anyone took Reclat Would love to hear an impute please

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What brand did you purchased from Amazon that was Collagen powder with Fotigel, Fortibone 5000mg, Tendoforte Collagen 5000mg. I went on Amazon and I was overwhelmed by all the different brands they were displaying! Please let me know what brand you suggest. Thanks for your help.


The brand is by Sparkle Wellness, COLLAGEN (Fortigel Collagen 5000mg + Tendoforte Collagen 5000ng).


I use Native Path Fortibone collagen, it is helping with pain and strength.. NO Side effects, I am choosing to not use drugs, Prolio, Evenity, etc, due to side effects, drug sensitivity.

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How much FORTIBONE is in the Native Path?


I have been on Fortibone for eight months. I’m also on Evenity - 11th injections this week, eating more bone building foods, gym several days a week, etc.
I will have a dexa in May. If I have improvements in scores, how would I know what part, if any, Fortibone played?

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How were your scores?


How much FORTIBONE is in the Native Path?

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Fortibone is 5 mg

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