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Masking at Healthcare Facilities

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: May 31 8:25am | Replies (10)

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The other things annoys me is social distance. I do not except everyone to be 6ft from me, but yesterday was at Mayo and when elevator arrived it looked like a clown car at circus. The just kept coming out. They were packed in there so tight. It is battle between being nice and saying "Sure we can fit two more" versus saying "Please take next one" . Especially in morning when busy or parking ramps. When I do let door shut rather then adding more people, I get dirty looks. I try to use the less busy elevators when possible, even though I need to walk farther.

Maybe should care mask just for elevator, I think I am more exposed there then anywhere else.

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Replies to "The other things annoys me is social distance. I do not except everyone to be 6ft..."

Definitely carry a quality mask - N95 or KN95. Dr. Osterholm, Infectious Diseases, University of Minnesota - they often interviewed him on TV during Covid...he caught Covid and long Covid. He thought it was because of the time he didn't have his mask in the elevator!
And now there is measles showing up and that is really contagious!
I always watch the elevators at Mayo!