Foot pain with Anastrozole?

Posted by lhwoz @lhwoz, Oct 17, 2023

Hello all-
I have read on this topic from posts that were from 4-5 years ago but looking for your experience from more recently.

I am 56 and on month 6 of Anastrozole. I had ILC stage 1/2 with lumpectomy/re excision and a course of radiation.

I have alwasy been very active as a lifestyle, hiking, gym, Orangetheory etc. Hike all over zion/Bryce Canyon in early May when radiation done to celebrate and remind myself if who I am and will be.

Since Aug I have had some achilles tenderness but more debilitating is crazy foot/heel pain especially in the am or when I get up from sitting/non movement. I have been attributing it to achilles tendinitis(self diagnosis šŸ™ ) but I am finally thinking this is the anastrozole? I literally walk /hobble when I am first out of bed. I have some hand pain also but it feels just more like arthritic/tightness and not as noticeable/not affecting daily activities or exercise. Knees also feel out of sorts but I've had that here and there prior to this.

Can anyone share their experience with the foot /heel situation? Should I try a different AI or will this subside?

Much love and support to you all!

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I've not heard that mentioned as a diagnosis for the pain that occurs but yes thats kind of what it feels like. But then it resolves once I get going? Hmmm...

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Mine comes and goes very quickly.


I have had Planters Faciiatis for about a year. Since I've been taking Anestrozole it has gotten so much worse. The heel pain feels like I'm marching on nails. I stopped the A for a month and it was almost gone. I'm on 3 1/2 weeks of taking it again and it's making it hard to walk. I can't say for sure if it's the A or just a coincidence. Actually the other day I was wondering if the increases in pain can be from A. Does it magnify all our ills? My middle finger left hand used to hurt when I woke up. Since A they all hurt when I wake up but it is short lived.


I have had Planters Faciiatis for about a year. Since I've been taking Anestrozole it has gotten so much worse. The heel pain feels like I'm marching on nails. I stopped the A for a month and it was almost gone. I'm on 3 1/2 weeks of taking it again and it's making it hard to walk. I can't say for sure if it's the A or just a coincidence. Actually the other day I was wondering if the increases in pain can be from A. Does it magnify all our ills? My middle finger left hand used to hurt when I woke up. Since A they all hurt when I wake up but it is short lived.

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In my opinion the Anastrozole just exacerbates joints/tendons and I suppose ifnyou have an issue then yes it probably magnifies that? My hands ache in the am and I have to open/close like I have arthritis? But also woerdly between 4th/5th finger the worst and seems to be nerve related. Again, it subsides, but just strange and all contributes to feeling like I have fast forwarded my aging.

I just resumed getting foot/Calf massages and going to do that regularly to invest in a more healing/therapeutic solution. Just can't keep taking advil etc so hoping that helps. That being said, I now fantasize about just stopping the A bc of quality of life.

Hang in there all!!! 💕🤜🤛


In my opinion the Anastrozole just exacerbates joints/tendons and I suppose ifnyou have an issue then yes it probably magnifies that? My hands ache in the am and I have to open/close like I have arthritis? But also woerdly between 4th/5th finger the worst and seems to be nerve related. Again, it subsides, but just strange and all contributes to feeling like I have fast forwarded my aging.

I just resumed getting foot/Calf massages and going to do that regularly to invest in a more healing/therapeutic solution. Just can't keep taking advil etc so hoping that helps. That being said, I now fantasize about just stopping the A bc of quality of life.

Hang in there all!!! 💕🤜🤛

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Omg, I've been saying the same thing. Exacerbated carpal tunnel, exacerbated fatigue exacerbated rotator cuff. If I've ever hated a medication in my life it would have to be an anastrazole. You are absolutely correct, it's not all in your head. No matter how little your little weakness is in your body anastrazole will find it and exacerbate it Beyond belief.


I have found studies out there that are researching the connection between tendon and ligament disorders to AIs and there appears to be a link. I think we are on 3rd generation of these meds and of course with time and use comes data. Such a bummer. I cant determine if it's the med per se or rather the utter zeroing out of estrogen? If anyone has knowledge would love to read more.


In my opinion the Anastrozole just exacerbates joints/tendons and I suppose ifnyou have an issue then yes it probably magnifies that? My hands ache in the am and I have to open/close like I have arthritis? But also woerdly between 4th/5th finger the worst and seems to be nerve related. Again, it subsides, but just strange and all contributes to feeling like I have fast forwarded my aging.

I just resumed getting foot/Calf massages and going to do that regularly to invest in a more healing/therapeutic solution. Just can't keep taking advil etc so hoping that helps. That being said, I now fantasize about just stopping the A bc of quality of life.

Hang in there all!!! 💕🤜🤛

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Thank you. I am going to ask about PRP injections. I've heard they are helpful for Planters Faciiatis. I am on vacation and walks down the beach hurt so badly. I decided to take it every other day and see if I get any relief. My body is sensitive to all medications. I wish Anestrozole wasn't 1 pill fits all. I'll discuss it with my oncologist. Thank you!


Omg, I've been saying the same thing. Exacerbated carpal tunnel, exacerbated fatigue exacerbated rotator cuff. If I've ever hated a medication in my life it would have to be an anastrazole. You are absolutely correct, it's not all in your head. No matter how little your little weakness is in your body anastrazole will find it and exacerbate it Beyond belief.

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I'm sorry you're also going through this. I hope we can find ways to make it better


It sounds like you might have plantar fasciitis, if you are active, a visit with the podiatrist could be in order. I donā€™t know that it is related to AI, but I have struggled with it for a while. It did not start until a few years after I completed endocrine therapy. I think if I had addressed it early on, instead of waiting it might be better.
There is a discussion about this, ā€œplantar fasciitis, how did you get rid of it?ā€
For the record, the best relief I get is with the tape support I learned from the physical therapist. I also use high quality inserts in my shoes and boots.

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Yes! I got plantar fasciitis about 3 years into taking Anastrozole. It started as aching ankles and toe cramps and then Plantar Fasciitis.


I just posted on this in the past week or so. I got to point after 2 years 8 months could barely walk. Went to a lecture on rheumatoid arthritis and the photo on the screen looked just like my foot. I had enough, stopped drug about 10 days ago. Feel great still having slight trigger finger and some left foot pain at digit 2 which I may proceed with surgery. But I can do lunges again. Do I feel scared and anxious that I quit yes, but I was miserable and had similar story lumpectomy with radiation, neg nodes. Itā€™s hard and a personal decision.


Arthralgia and joint pain are known side effects of an AI. I believe it is caused by the loss of estrogen - but it may be more complicated than that. Some AI users find that exercise makes the joints feel better, although it is painful at the beginning of the exercise.
For me, before starting hormone therapy, I had plantar fasciitis and DeQuervains tenosynovitis (pain with thumb use). I stopped all movement of the painful area, and the area healed. I wore a very tight zip on ankle boot all day every day for over a week, and a splint on my hand limiting thumb movement. I now limit the time I wear flip flops or any shoe that requires my foot to work to keep the shoe on (some clogs, some loose ballet flats).
But I think it depends on what is causing the pain - overuse along with low estrogen (what I had) OR no/very-low estrogen from AI.
If you have ongoing plantar fasciitis that does not lessen by late morning as you walk around, and it really really hurts, you might want to ask your doctor if you could have a possible tear in the facia. They rarely repair it, and you do want to avoid any surgical repair unless itā€™s really needed. Messing with the foot is a complicated thing. But it could be that PT or OT would be recommended to help you navigate if you should stop movement or limit movement or advise the best exercise.
I did not go on an AI because of my previous facia and tendon issues, Iā€™m on tamoxifen. But if I were, Iā€™d be aware that my tendons and joints should not be overstressed. Find alternatives to opening tight jars, reduce how often you use a pinch movement, use good body mechanics when bending and stooping (a good form squat is less harmful to your knees). And figure out which shoes work best. I donā€™t buy into the ā€œhigh arch will reduce plantar fasciitisā€ that is all over the media now. Maybe it is right for you, maybe not.

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