← Return to Lumbar Spinal Fusion, Post-Op Day 6. Should I have these symptoms?

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@denma55 - I understand exactly where you are and how you feel. I came to realize that I was actually experiencing post-surgical PTSD. Yes, I recall tearful days (very normal after experiencing a significant physical trauma) and I still have heightened emotions a year later. You're human - of course you will feel out-of-sorts for some time. I suggest you google PTSD. . There are also treatment suggestions.

Mostly, I recommend maintaining a positive outlook. Rather than wondering if you'll be one of those who experiences lingering symptoms...picture that you will experience great post surgical success! Resist obsessing on stories of surgical failures. You are not them...

Hang in. These are the early days...

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Replies to "@denma55 - I understand exactly where you are and how you feel. I came to realize..."

Ah yes, good point. PTSD. I guess I thought on Day 8 Post-op I would be "pain-free". Silly me.
I guess I don't like being "stuck", not being able to move around freely and do and go where I want. Stuck in a recliner, with pain and discomfort. I'm just not liking this. I guess I'm reading to many articles online about 'spinal fusion' failure surgeries. I'm going to call the surgeons office this morning and talk with the PA about my pain/discomfort and symptoms. Maybe I will infact get thru these 'Early days". I'm just an impatient patient....