Diet restrictions with Lanreotide?

Posted by helloitsme @helloitsme, Sep 28, 2023

I had my first Lanreotide injection four days ago on Monday, but was not told of any diet restrictions. I've seen that I should eat lean protein and lots of vegetables, but I read in the past that I need to stay on a low fiber (not many veggies) diet to reduce diarrhea due to the tumors in my cecum and small intestines. Now that I'm on Lanreotide, am I allowed to have veggies, my favorite foods in the world??? Will the Lanreotide keep me from having diarrhea if I do eat cruciferous veggies? I've never eaten much meat, and I'm really having a hard time eating the low fiber diet, that I feel is not a healthy diet! I haven't had any side effects from the injection other than a horrific headache about 4 hours afterward that lasted about 5 hours. Then another headache on the second day that lasted a couple of hours.
I chose not to have any surgery. I have NETs in my cecum, small intestine, lymph nodes, liver and heart. Lanreotide stopped my diarrhea the first day of treatment, and I am so darn happy about that!
Anyway, I would love to hear what diet y'all are following while on the Lanreotide! Best of luck to you prayers are with you!

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@helloitsme , Hi! I have pancreaticNET with liver metastases, I am on Lanreotide after surgery for 7 months now. The only restriction I follow is no aged cheese, COOKED vegetables, peeled fruit. In other words - I can eat ( by trial and error) anything that does not upset my " insides" :). Sometimes I eat an accasional spicy meal and I ' pay' for it. But I am not staying away from any vegetables; eat greens in moderation as I am on Coumadin also.


Check out online sites like Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation to locate what to eat with NETs, however the extra “no-nos” added by lanreotide are spicy foods, tomatoes, fatty meats, cruciferous vegetables, sugar/sweets. No uncooked veggies, all should be well cooked (not my favorite either). Upside it that you can have potatoes, white bread, white rice, white pasta, just be cautious of toppings on all! Peel all fruits i.e., apples & peaches, but no watermelon just cantaloupe is OK. I eat lots of grilled/baked chicken & fish & occasionally a lettuce salad with vacuum packed tuna on top. My specialist dietitian sent me a cookbook for NETS, but it didn’t include limitations of lanreotide so I’ve had to eliminate some ingredients that conflict. I hated that I was told initially that I would have to do a trial & error method, but I see why as I get further along since we all seem to react differently. Good luck!


Low fibre diet was advised due to my small intestine net causing a possible bowel obstruction.
I've nit heard of any duet restriction due yo lanreotide injections. But low amine diet is advised to help stop diarrhea and carcinoid syndrome. I find gassy vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli help me


Low fibre diet was advised due to my small intestine net causing a possible bowel obstruction.
I've nit heard of any duet restriction due yo lanreotide injections. But low amine diet is advised to help stop diarrhea and carcinoid syndrome. I find gassy vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli help me

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I should emphasise I avoid cauliflower and broccoli to help curb diarrhea


After about 18 months' experimenting, I have finally found solace in porridge with milk for breakfast. White bread, butter and jam seem to agree with me; it's all trial and error of course. At least I am alive 🙂


After about 18 months' experimenting, I have finally found solace in porridge with milk for breakfast. White bread, butter and jam seem to agree with me; it's all trial and error of course. At least I am alive 🙂

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Hello @allgo,

As this is your first post on Mayo Connect, I would like to welcome you to the NETs support group. As you feel comfortable, please share a little about your NET diagnosis. You seem to indicate that you have been treated for about 18 months now.

How long ago was your diagnosis? Have you had any other NETs treatments, other than the injections, such as surgery, etc.?


Thank you for the welcome. 18 months ago I had surgery: am now inoperable, stage 4 and get a monthly shot of Somatuline to freeze the cancer

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