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@irbanbharldiend Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds to me like you are doing everything possible with your medical provider to figure out what will work for you. As @roch wrote it can take trial and error to find a medication that works. I personally know how difficult this is as I went through a period of anxiety and depression that took at least 3 or 4 different trials with different meds before my doctor and I found something that worked well for me. By the way, the first med prescribed for me was Buspar. It did not work for me. We needed to find the antidepressant that would lower anxiety and not be too sedating.

I experienced emotional blunting on Paxil. Paxil did help with anxiety and depression for me however it also blunted my emotions - empathy and compassion, really - to the extent that I almost didn’t care about others. That is not me at all and it took me awhile to realize that.

Do you work with a mental health therapist? And if you do, have you signed a release of information so that your psychiatrist and mental health therapist can work together? If you’d like to do that you may need to sign a release for both the therapist and your psychiatrist.

When is your next appointment with your psychiatrist?

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Replies to "@irbanbharldiend Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds to me like you are doing everything possible..."

Thank you for the insight. Will definitely take into consideration.